A Study on Reading Teaching

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  【Abstract】: Reading is one of the important skills in language learning and teaching. A teacher who has a good understanding of methodology and research in teaching will surely get more positive feedback from the students if he combines the approaches and the research results with his teaching practices. This paper seeks to give a review on teaching English reading at home and abroad. Above all, a study on reading teaching can provide the teachers with some helpful teaching models and strategies. Some implications of the theories and research results can lead to the achievement of beneficial results in practicing reading teaching.
  【Key words】: reading teaching; literature review; English
  1. Introduction
  To Jeremy Harmer, famous expert on English teaching, reading is a process of co-operation between eyes and brain. The reader is on alert with their brain always in operation to find something behind the words, sentences and paragraphs. According to modern reading theories, reading includes three aspects: language, psychology and culture. The process of reading is one of active thinking, understanding and receiving information. And the goal of teaching reading is to develop students’ reading skills. Teachers must train every student to be efficient or skilled in his reading. Readers are supposed to comprehend a text in three levels: literal comprehension level, inferential comprehension level, and evaluation comprehension level. For language learners, they play the roles of both learners and readers when they read in target language. Teaching them how to read efficiently is of great importance in language learning. Therefore, language teachers need to have a clear mind of what is going on in the second language reading teaching class and what models and methods can be applied according to different circumstances.
  2. Literature Review
  2.1 Historical review of research on reading
  This can be illustrated from two aspects, the psychological view and the sociological view.
  2.1.1 The psychological view
  Reading was first viewed as a decoding and reconstructing process in which the meaning of the text became clear as readers connected and built up meaning from the smallest textual units to larger units. The movement from the units at the “bottom” (letters and words) to the units at the “top” (phrases, clauses…) constructs the “bottom-up” view of reading. However, this view emphasizes strongly on the understanding of vocabulary and grammar, namely the formal features of the language.   1970s, representatives of top-down approach, Goodman and Smith challenge the bottom-up approach. They focus on the research of psychological process in reading from a cognitive psychological perspective. Goodman(1967) advanced reading as a “psycholinguistic guessing game.” This view emphasized the importance of known information or learned knowledge and also background knowledge, which promoted making predictions. Here, the reader is an active information processor instead of a passive decoder of vocabulary and grammar. However, this “top-down” model led to negligence of the teaching of the language knowledge. It has to be committed that knowledge of linguistic features is also efficient for comprehension.
  1980s, interactive approach which integrates the views of bottom-up approach and top-down approach emerged. This view holds that good readers are both good decoders and good interpreters, “guessers” in a sense. The research on the psychological process also focuses on exploring the influences of attitudes and motivation on reading.
  2.1.2 The sociological view
  Research on reading theories from a sociolinguistic perspective is less compared with the former perspective. In recent years, the newly emerged approach in the first language reading “the new literacy approach” interprets reading as a communicative process between the reader and the thoughts, emotions and language of the author, which have a great impact on the research on second language reading.
  2.2 Theoretical research and studies on English reading teaching
  2.2.1 Studies abroad
  Decoding theory which bears similarities with the “bottom-up” view is popular from the early period of English teaching to the beginning of Audio-Lingual theory. At this time, people recognize reading as a process of decoding the literal texts. Audio-Lingual theory gives prior emphasis on the oral language with the principle of emphasizing listening and speaking, then followed by reading and writing. Therefore reading is only considered as a mean to consolidate the oral ability. As a result, there is a shortage of requirements for reading teaching and the development of students’ reading ability is hindered.
  Influenced by psycholinguistics, the theoretical research on reading teaching begins to focus on mental mechanism and gradually, reading process becomes a central research topic concerning language teaching studies. Therefore, two new teaching approaches are developed. They are bottom-up approach and the top-down approach. Bottom-up approach proposes that reading should start with the minimal language units to process the information. However, the habit of reading very carefully to work out the meaning of every word and sentence will certainly lead to a limited reading quantity. While the top-down reading teaching approach advocates readers to get a general view of the reading passage. This approach gives great value on the assistance of background knowledge. The difference between two approaches is like the difference between studying the individual trees within a forest then going up and studying the forest from above as a whole then going down.   However, the complete abandon of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge do not fit the real reading comprehension process. The interactive approach is promoted, in which bottom-up and top-down reading interacts with an emphasis on the latter reading model. The factors in the two processes mutually effect and co-operate.
  The role of background knowledge in reading teaching and reading comprehension leads to the development of schema theory. The previously required knowledge is referred as schema (plural schemata). The schema theory suggests that the knowledge we carry around in our heads is organized into interrelated patterns and our knowledge and expectations about the world will strongly affect our ability to understand new information by providing a framework within which the new information might fit. A great deal of research concerning with both first and second language readers has been carried out using schema theory. As the existing knowledge plays a crucial role in reading comprehension, the teaching activities should focus on arousing schemata in learners’ minds. Through the discussion of the clues such as titles, keywords of the articles, students are activated to make positive predictions based on their background knowledge. Sometimes it is the individual details that help us understand the whole and sometimes it is our overview that allows us to process the details. However, too much emphasis on the reasoning in reading process has its drawbacks. Students may satisfy with themselves in general understanding and therefore neglect the cultivation of linguistic knowledge.
  The transfer hypotheses believe that good readers in a first language will be able to transfer their skills to the second language. However, it has been found that L1 reading skill does not predict second language reading proficiency. And on the relationship between background knowledge and reading performance, studies have found that background knowledge was a more important factor than grammatical complexity in readers’ ability to comprehend the cohesive relationships in the texts.
  Phonics is an approach to the teaching of reading in which learners are taught to decode words by matching written symbols with their aural equivalents, which is an appropriate approach for beginning learners. Most teachers who have taught initial reading using phonics are familiar with children who can “read” without understanding. Reading efficiency can be enhanced as children grow up. Phonics is criticized for the fact that it de-emphasizes meaning in the reading process and this approach is getting popular in teaching English for kindergarten and preliminary students.   Strategies-based approaches to the development of reading skills have been put forward by Grellet. Grellet (1981:12-13) identifies three main types of strategy: sensitizing, improving reading speed and going from skimming to scanning.  Strategies-based approaches to reading tasks have also been put forward. It is believed that by choosing the best strategies for different texts and purposes, it is possible for second language readers to significantly increase both their reading speed and their comprehension level.
  2.2.2 Studies in China
  Studies on reading teaching can be categorized into four main types. The first one is from the perspective of the combination of models and theories of reading with English reading teaching. The most influential theory in exploring reading teaching is schema theory. Gu Ye (1998) firstly explored the implication of schema theory on the contents, focus, processes, and material arrangement of reading teaching. The second research focus is on the context perspective. Research on the relationships between context theory and reading has become a hot field in China. Li Hongmei(2005) conducted a research on Genre and found that teaching method of Genre can help promote students ability of reading and communication and it also helps students to form self-learning habits. The third one is from the angle of pragmatics. Pragmatics theories play a crucial role in guiding how to teach English reading. The fourth one is research on the assistance of multi-media in reading teaching.
  3.1 The problems in reading teaching
  The biggest problem in reading teaching is that students lack skills and strategies in reading. Most of the traditional pedagogy does not reflect how and what people read in real life. Usually the students are asked to do some preview, and in class the teacher explains the text one paragraph after another. As a result, students find it difficult to improve their reading comprehension ability because they lack the necessary training in reading. Besides, the teaching and learning of reading skills presents a number of particular problems which need to be addressed. The problems concerns with the target language, reading topics, tasks students are asked to perform and the expectations students have of reading. Resolutions to the language problems are teaching vocabulary before reading, asking students to do extensive reading and listening, and pursuing the authenticity of the reading material. Resolutions to the problems of topic and genre are choosing the right topics, creating interests, activating schemata and varying topics and genres. Resolutions to the problems of comprehension tasks are combining testing and teaching, and providing appropriate challenges. Resolutions to the problems of students having low expectations of reading are persuading them to change these negative expectations into realistic optimism, teachers’ being supportive when organizing feedback after reading if teachers encounter any negative feelings students might have about the process.
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【摘要】:班级管理不应是老师约束学生,而是学生自我约束,现代班级教育要以学生全面发展为本,着力培养学生自主教育的意识和能力。培养学生自主管理能力不仅是提高班级管理效益的重要手段,更是一种提升学生主体意识的教育策略。  【关键词】:学生自主管理;养成教育周;民主选举;自主管理氛围  对于班主任来说,班级管理是一项艰巨复杂而意义重大的工作。所以当好班主任不容易,当好寄宿制学校的高中班主任更不容易!如何
【摘要】:对于小学语文课堂教学效率而言,主要是在有效的课堂时间内,借助专业的授课模式,使得学生获取更多的知识,从中有所收获。因此,要重视对小学语文课堂教学效率的提升,尤其是面对新课改,要重视形成具有针对性的教学策略,实现小学语文课堂教学品质的提升,促进教学目标的实现。  【关键词】:新课程时期;提高;小学语文;课堂教学效率  前言:  对于小学语文教学而言,其是基础性學科,有助于培养学生的语言和逻
【摘要】:在初中历史教学中要提高课堂教学效率就必须激发学生学习历史的兴趣,在课堂上面营造一种宽松和谐的愉悦教学环境以及灵活采用教育教学手段方可达到教学目的。  【关键词】:高效;兴趣;红歌;愉悦  一、激发学生学习兴趣  著名教育家乌申斯基说过:“没有丝毫兴趣的强制学习,将会扼杀学生探索真理的欲望。”只有学生喜欢了它才会更用心地去学,作为初中历史老师就应该将这些“死”的历史知识讲活,激发学生的学习
【摘要】:专职辅导员与兼职班主任是高职院校大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,但在实际的分工协作中存在诸多问题。新形势下继续加强和改进大学生思想政治教育方法,克服存在的问题,构建有效的协同工作机制,充分发挥二者的合力作用,具有重要的现实意义。  【关键词】:高职院校;专职辅导员;兼职班主任;分工协作  教育部在《关于加强高等学校辅导员、班主任队伍建设的意见》中明确指出:辅导员、班主任“是高等学校从事德育
遗传证明题是高考题有关遗传变异内容的一个常见题型,现将有关解法进行小结。  一、证明生物某性状属于细胞质遗传还是细胞核遗传  方法:将具有相对性状的纯合亲本进行杂交;  结果及结论:无论正交还是反交,后代只表现出母本性状,则为细胞质遗传;  无论正交还是反交,后代均表现出显性性状,则为细胞核遗传。  二、细胞核遗传相关问题  (一)验证基因的分离定律或某性状由一对等位基因控制  方法:测交法、自交
【摘要】:初中英语教学的基木目的是激发学生的学习兴趣和培养学生学习英语的基木技能、而语言是一种思维和交流工具,所以初中英语教学过程中需要和情境教学法相结合。初中英语情境教学法,以情景教学理论为基础,通过师生一起创造良好的英语教学情景,完成教学任务的方法。在具体的实践中,存在多种多样的形式,但必须以学生为中心,让学生真正融入到所创设的情境中去,这样才能真正提高教学质量。  【关键词】:初中;英语;情
【Abstract】: English reading anxiety is a kind of synthesis about self-consciousness, emotion, action, and correlated with the English classroom learning in English learning process. The first year of
Key words  Pretend play  Pretend play embodies symbolic behavior in which “one thing is playfully treated ‘as if’ it were something else” (Fein 1987). It requires the ability to transform objects and