2015年我国风电新增装机30.5GW略超预期 抢装或为主因

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2016年1月17日,中国可再生能源学会风能专业委员会(中国风能协会)公布的2015年中国风电装机初步统计数据显示,2015年新增装机量3050万千瓦,同比大增31.5%。分析人士指出,风电上网电价下调的政策刺激行业抢装,效果显现在2015年出货量数据上,行业景气度短期向好,不过长期来看,装机量或回落。风能协会同时公布了2015年风电企业装机统计初步排名,其中金风科技装机7000MW以上,连续五年装机量稳居行业龙头,且是第二名的两倍多,其2014年新增初步统计为443.4MW。装机量排在第二、三、四位的分别是远景能源、明 On January 17, 2016, preliminary statistics on installed capacity of wind power in China published by the China Renewable Energy Society Wind Energy Committee (China Wind Energy Association) in 2015 showed that the new installed capacity in 2015 was 30.5 GW, an increase of 31.5% over the same period of last year. Analysts pointed out that the wind power tariff cut policy to stimulate the industry grab equipment, the effect appears in the 2015 shipments data, the industry boom for the short term to improve, but in the long run, installed capacity or down. Wind Energy Association also released preliminary rankings of wind power enterprises’ installed capacity statistics in 2015, of which wind power installed capacity of more than 7000MW, five consecutive years of installed capacity ranked the industry leader and more than twice as much as the preliminary statistics for 2014 increased by 443.4MW. Installed in the second row, three, four respectively, the long-term energy, Ming
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[摘要]中国是有着五千年悠久历史的文明古国。五千年的中国文化传承不仅仅体现在生活习俗上,更大的是表现在流传下来的古代文学。它不仅仅是我国最珍贵的文化遗产,超越历史意义的是它继承的丰富思想和文化内涵,对现代中国人人格的塑造、价值观有着深远的影响。本文现就其存在的教育意义和流传价值做简要的分析和探讨。  [关键词]古代文学 教育 存在意义 价值  [中图分类号]I209 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]
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