Theoretical Investigation on Intermolecular Interactions Between HCCF and HCCR(R=F,Cl,Br)

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Geometries, interaction energies and electronic properties for four types of dimers(hydrogen bonded, halogen bonded, π-halogen bonded, and π-hydrogen bonded) between HCCF and HCCR(R=F, Cl, Br) were studied via MP2/6-311++G(d,p) ab initio calculation. It is shown that the strength of the π-hydrogen bonded dimers turns out to be greater than those of the other three types of dimers, with the interaction energies-4.611 kJ/mol for HCCF-HCCF, -4.700 kJ/mol for HCCF-HCCCl, and -4.850 kJ/mol for HCCF-HCCBr respectively at the CCSD(T)/6-311++ G(d,p)//MP2/6-311++G(d,p) level. In an effort to understand the nature of the intermolecular interactions prevalent in these dimers, the interaction energies were decomposed into physically distinct energy components with the aid of the symmetry adapted perturbation theory(SAPT). The dispersion force is found to be the main origin of the intermole-cular interactions in hydrogen bonded and halogen bonded dimers. In the π-halogen bonded system, the dispersion is the major bonding force in HCCF-HCCF and HCCF-HCCCl, while the induction energy is the most important component in HCCF-HCCBr. However, both the dispersion and electrostatic energy play a key role in π-hydrogen bonded dimers. Geometries, interaction energies and electronic properties for four types of dimers (hydrogen bonded, halogen bonded, π-halogen bonded, and π-hydrogen bonded) between HCCF and HCCR (R = F, Cl, 311 ++ G (d, p) ab initio calculation. It shows shown the strength of the π-hydrogen bonded dimers turns out to be greater than those of the other three types of dimers, with the interaction energies-4.611 kJ / mol for HCCF-HCCF, -4.700 kJ / mol for HCCF-HCCCl, and -4.850 kJ / mol for HCCF-HCCBr respectively at CCSD (T) / 6-311 ++ G (d, 311 ++ G (d, p) level. In an effort to understand the nature of the intermolecular interactions prevalent in these dimers, the interaction energies were decomposed into distinct distinct energy components with the aid of the symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT). The dispersion force is found to be the main origin of the intermole-cular interactions in hydrogen bonded and halogen bonded dimers. In the π-halogen bonded system, the disp ersion is the major bonding force in HCCF-HCCF and HCCF-HCCCl, while the induction energy is the most important component in HCCF-HCCBr. However, both of dispersion and electrostatic energy play a key role in π-hydrogen bonded dimers.
摘 要:本文从情状类型角度,探讨现代汉语“V过(了)O”句式中“过”“了”共现的可能情况与条件限制,认为在静态、完成、达成三种情状类型中,“过”“了”不可共现;在活动情状类型中,“过”“了”可以共现。  关键词: 情状类型 时体标记 经历体 完成体  一、引言  “过”“了”是现代汉语中体现“经历体”和“完成体”意义的两个重要时体标记(戴耀晶,1997:35、37),前者表示某一
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地球的另一端,新西兰南岛基督城,程云正在教她的学生们学习写小篆,“‘日’在圆圆的太阳里面点上一只眼睛,‘月’像一轮半圆的月亮。”学生中包括坎伯雷大学的在校生和普通居民。“小孩到中年人,各个年龄段都有。”程云对《中国新闻周刊》说。学生们普遍对汉字兴趣浓厚,总有问不完的问题。但很多洋学生们习惯用左手写字,这让程云很头疼。  程云是华中科技大学在职研究生,09级,外国语言学及应用语言学专业。通过一系列学