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不久前,广州市自来水公司因提高水价拟举行的提价听证会由于市人大代表认为提价理由不足而延期,提价方案也因此搁浅。这一消息被媒体披露后,引起很大反响。这件事起码涉及两个值得沉思的问题:一是价格听证会应该怎样开,一是水价要不要提高。一、关于价格听证会应该怎样开的问题 Not long ago, Guangzhou City Water Company to raise prices due to raise prices to be held hearing because of the deputies to the Municipal People’s Congress that the reason for the extension of the delay, the price-fixing program therefore ran aground. The news was disclosed by the media, aroused great repercussions. This incident involves at least two meditating questions: First, how the price hearing should be open, and first, whether the price of water should be raised. First, the price hearing on how to open the issue
  Today,the orientation and location detection of the underwater acoustic target have made smaller-size and higher-sensitivity vector hydrophones urgently nee
Castleman 病(Castleman disease, CD)又称血管滤泡性淋巴组织增生症或巨大淋巴结增生症,由 Castleman等[1]在1956年第一次正式报道,是一种罕见的病因尚未明确的交界性非克隆
目的 比较T形钢板联合重建钢板弹性固定与平行双解剖锁定钢板内固定治疗髋臼后壁骨折的疗效.方法 2013年1月~2019年1月收治的髋臼后壁骨折并接受手术治疗病人31例,按照手术方
目的 探讨应用带孔金属骨针联合钛缆和髌骨环内固定治疗髌骨粉碎性骨折术后膝关节功能恢复疗效差异.方法 我院骨科2016年1月~2018年1月收治髌骨粉碎性骨折病人52例,按治疗方式
目的 探讨动脉导管未闭介入治疗日间手术的安全性及有效性.方法 我院心血管外科2017年6月~2018年6月连续收治的动脉导管未闭病人185例,其中日间手术组102例,同期非日间手术组8
This paper considers an anisotropic swarm model with a class of attraction and repulsion functions. It is shown that the members of the swarm will aggregate and