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10月17日,第四届上海国际时尚内衣展在沪开幕,该展览已经奠定了其在亚洲地区时尚内衣和泳装展览领域的领先地位,为众多志在扩展亚洲市场的知名业内企业提供了一流的展示舞台:此次展会的展厅面积不断增加:本年度展出面积高达8,000平米,相比上届增加2,000平米。此外还采用了众多全新的全球尖端技术,并选址上海展览中心面积最大和最负盛名的中央大厅作为展出 On October 17th, the 4th Shanghai International Fashion Lingerie Exhibition opened in Shanghai. The exhibition has established its leading position in the fashion underwear and swimwear exhibitions in Asia and provided first-class enterprises to many well-known companies in the Asian market. The exhibition stage: The exhibition area of ​​the exhibition is continuously increasing: this year’s exhibition area is as high as 8,000 square meters, an increase of 2,000 square meters compared with the previous year. In addition, many new global cutting-edge technologies have been adopted, and the largest and most prestigious central hall in the Shanghai Exhibition Center has been selected for exhibition.
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We find ourselves telling each other thedeepest details of our lives...things we don’ teven share with our families. But what is afriend? A confidant? A lover
一、感叹句感叹句是一种表示喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈情感的句子 ,常用 what和 how来引导。 what用来修饰名词 ,而 how则用来修饰形容词、副词。在感叹句中 ,主谓语通常用正常的
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Unit2 1Mainly revision1.Oh,you can come?Great!( L .82 )you can come?为陈述句式的一般疑问句。使用这种句式往往表示说话人要求对方确认某一事实。如 :You can do it?Wo
一、阅读短文判断正误Most of England and Wales will have a cold,dry day.It will be sunny at times.There will be alittle rain in the afternoon.The wind will be we
临近年末,许多家居卖场又搞起了促销活动,“满3000元送500、满10000元8.8折”的宣传比比皆是。每逢节日或者某个可以借用的“节点”都会掀 Near the end of the year, many
我的老家离镇上有六公里,长期以来只有一条约三米宽的泥土公路通往这个小镇。由于没有铺石子,每逢雨天路都很难走,又烂又滑,若多下几天雨,比农民下稻田还难走,稍不留神就会摔跤。  如今各地大搞新农村建设,提倡修建新公路,改造旧公路。这条多年的泥土公路也改造成了平坦的水泥公路。  这条乡村公路是通往镇上的一条要道,在部队开军车多年的王强,看准这个商机,贷款买了一辆大客车,然后买下这段路的营运权,专跑这条路