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学困生的成因非常复杂,其中一个关键原因就在于学生的拼读能力差,大多数学生不知道单词怎么读,不知道拼写跟发音之间的密切联系。单词不会读又记不住直接导致学习效果事倍而功半,长此以往学习兴趣锐减,直至放弃不学。去年中途接手一个差班,在转化学困生方面做了积极尝试:以音标教学为突破口,教会学困生正确朗读、识记48个音素,通过了解、熟悉并熟练运用字母及字母组合发音的规律,提高学生拼读、记忆单词的能力,带动他们听说与阅读能力的逐步改善,有效达到学困生转化的目标。 The causes of learning difficulties are very complex, one of the key reasons is that students are poor at spelling, most students do not know how to read the word, do not know the spelling and pronunciation between the close contact. Words do not read and can not remember the direct result of learning effectiveness times and power, the long-term interest in learning dropped sharply, until you give up do not learn. Last year, he took a bad class halfway and made positive attempts in transitional school. In order to take phonetic teaching as a breakthrough point, the church students with poor academic skills read aloud and learned 48 phonemes. By understanding, familiarizing themselves with and practicing the combination of letters and letters Rules, enhance students’ ability to spell the spell, remember words, and promote their gradual improvement in listening, speaking and reading skills, and effectively achieve the goal of transforming students with learning difficulties.
当今社会物质生活丰富,多种媒体不仅拓宽了孩子们的视野,更使现在的语文老师多了一份责任。 In today’s society, the material life is rich. Many kinds of media not on
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从高中生的认知规律出发,对如何上好高中写作课分享几点心得体会。 From the cognitive rules of high school students, how to write a good high school writing experie
计算机的应用越来越普及,能使教学形象化。在教学中,可以通过动画演示或结合一些图表和数据,让学生更容易地掌握知识,轻轻松松地学习,从而大大提高工作效率。 The increasin