Zircon U-Pb dating, geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic constraints on the age and origin of inter

来源 :地球化学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdf07124029
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As a part of a giant trending fault system in the Asian continent and one where a strong zone of left strikeslip fault is present,the Altyn Orogenic belt (AOB) has become an important focus for research.Magmatic rocks are widely distributed across the AOB.However,many investigations have focused primarily on Paleozoic igneous rocks;discussion of Mesozoic related igneous activity is often ignored.Here we present the result of studies of representative diorite and granite rocks outcropping in the AOB,within the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,South Altyn,China.We present new zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age,geochemical,and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic data for these sample suites,identifying them as typical igneous rocks formed between 238 ± 1.5 and 238.8 ± 1.1 Ma.The rocks that we studied fall into the alkaline series,also enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE),some large ion lithophile elements (LILE;e.g.,Rb,Ba,Sr,and K),Pb,Th and U,and depleted in heavy rare earth elements (HREE),Nb,Ta,Hf,and Ti.The granite and diorite have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7062-0.7114),negative εNd (t) values (-8.8 to-11.3),εHf (t) values (-8.7 to -18.7),and relatively constant Pb isotopic ratios ((206-Pb/204Pb)i =6.74-17.884,(207Pb/204Pb)i =15.51-15.58,and (208Pb/204Pb)i =35.36-38.04),respectively.This suggests that the magmas parental to these rocks were generated from the partial melting of the ancient crust.The parental magmas to these rocks experienced a degree of fractionation of plagioclase,K-feldspar,and hornblende,possibly during rapid magma ascent.Based on these studies,we propose a reasonable model for the origin of the investigated rocks from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of South Altyn,which involves crustal thickening,lithospheric extension,and asthenosphere upwelling,that induced crustal melting.
一  春季的玉门并没有什么可喜的事,倒是沙尘和呼啸而过的风,接踵而来。路边的杨树叶子还没长开,那一抹柔嫩的浅绿上已经覆盖了一层细白的灰。就在这个干燥的春天,某个刮着风的早上,我拎着一些简单的行李搬进了北门。  北门有一条东西走向的马路,马路把一面斜坡拦腰切为两半。马路以北,是排列散乱的房屋,这些房子完全是依地形而建,毫无规律可言。路南边的石墨厂紧邻,有一个破旧不起眼的小旅馆,一些不明身份的人,经常
巨鬣狗  光阴似乎有点长,都两三百万年了。这一时期,在甘肃和政地区,生活着这么一群硕大凶悍的动物。它们长得丑,獠牙利齿,口中呜呜乱叫,随便伸出一根脚趾头都一尺长。这么一说,你大约觉得这些家伙们简直有些群魔乱舞的意思,在大地上狂欢之极吧?其实,我也不知道它们究竟是怎么生活的,也许,不过是谁走谁的路,谁吃谁的食物吧?食草部落肯定要躲着食肉部落,躲不过,就被怪兽吃掉。怪兽被谁吃掉呢?被光阴呗。一直觉得光
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说起来惭愧得很!我不仅没有福气,未能见上我的爷爷,而且在很长时间里连爷爷的名字都不知道。因为以前有避讳的规矩,子女不能直呼父母祖辈的名字,父亲没说过,我也不敢问。但关于爷爷的故事,父亲还是给我讲过一些,在我的脑海里留下了深刻的记忆。  人穷志坚  我们家是在清朝同治年间,我曾祖父领着他的几个儿子从灵台县逃荒搬迁到庆阳来的。租种别人家的土地,或给人家拉长工、打短工,几经转辗搬迁,后来才定居在董志原边