Kinetic Modelling of Degradation of Organic Compounds in Soils

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A set of equations is suggested to describe the kinetics of degradation of organic compounds applied tosoils and the kinetics of growth of the involved microorganisme:where x is the concentration of organic compound at time t, m is the number of forcroorganisms capableof degrading the organic compound at time t, while j, k, f and g are positive constaats. This model cansatisfactorily be used to explain the degradation curve of organic compounds and the growth curve of theinvolved microorganisms. A set of equations is suggested to describe the kinetics of degradation of organic compounds applied tosoils and the kinetics of growth of the involved microorganisme: where x is the concentration of organic compound at time t, m is the number of forcroorganisms capable of degrading the organic compound at time t, while j, k, f and g are positive constants. This model cansatisfactorily be used to explain the degradation curve of organic compounds and the growth curve of the involved microorganisms.
摘要:操作探索题是近年中考比较常见的题型,解答这类问题需要牢固掌握基本知识,加强“一题多解”、“一题多变”等形式的训练,需要有较强的发散思维能力和归纳概括能力。具体做题时,要仔细分析题目的有关信息,合情推理、联想,并要运用类比、归纳、分类讨论等数学思想,全面考虑问题,有时还借助图形、实物或实际操作来打开思路。  关键词:初中数学;探究性问题;解题策略  中图分类号:G633.6文献标识码:A 文章
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