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草菇出菇阶段,料面上经常发生幼蕾幼菇变黄、枯萎,最后死亡的现象,严重时菇蕾会大批死亡,导致绝产。造成菇蕾萎缩的原因是多方面的,防治也要从多方面入手,针对不同情况采取相应措施。 一、温度偏低。料温低于30℃或气温低于20℃,均易使菇蕾生长停止、枯萎。在配料时,添加畜禽粪,播种时加厚料层。发菌期及出菇期覆盖双层塑料薄膜或拱棚加覆盖物,提高料温气温,促使幼菇生长。 二、生理干旱。培养料因蒸发而缺水或空气湿度小,常常成为菇蕾大量萎缩的重要原因。 1.培养料发酵 播种前,根据料内含水量情况,再拌入适量清水或石灰水,栽培场地灌足底墒水。 Straw mushroom fruiting stage, often occur on the surface of young baby Lei Lei yellow, withered, the final death phenomenon, the serious Gulei will be a large number of deaths, leading to abortion. Gu Lei caused by the collapse of a variety of reasons, prevention and treatment should also start from many aspects, to take appropriate measures for different situations. First, the temperature is low. Material temperature below 30 ℃ or temperature below 20 ℃, are easy to make Gulei growth stops, withered. In the ingredients, add livestock and poultry manure, sowing thick material layer. Germination and fruiting period covered double plastic film or arch shed plus cover to improve the temperature of feed temperature to promote the growth of young mushrooms. Second, physiological drought. Cultivation of materials due to evaporation and lack of water or air humidity, Gulei often become a large number of shrinking an important reason. 1. Culture material Fermentation sowing, according to the moisture content of the material, and then mix the amount of water or lime water, cultivation site irrigation foot water moisture.