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  Going inside American Bom Chinese
  1)Adolescence has never been easy. Everybody hasbad memories of growing up. But being a new kid (alsothe only Chinese-American student) at school, beingtoo shy, having trouble making friends, having a crush onan all-American girl, hoping to fit in, coping with cultureconflict–Jin Wang has had to deal with all of that, aswell as 2)stereotypes and 3)subtle 4)racism. Alongsidestories of the Monkey King and Chin-Kee, three 5)apparentlyunrelated tales come together with an unexpectedtwist, in a modern fable that is not only extremelyamusing, but 6)poignant and deep from time to time.
  Inspired by his own childhood experiences, Gene LuenYang has successfully created a groundbreaking readin his debut comic, American Born Chinese. In 2006, thebook became the first graphic novel to be nominatedfor a National Book Award. One year later, it won theMichael L. Printz Award for young-adult literature, afirst for a comic book, too.
  Yang:I grew up reading comic books. I…I startedcollecting comic books in the fifth grade. And prettysoon after I started drawing them. I think that was oneof the key benefits of this 7)medium is that pretty muchanybody can do it. You know, you can read a comic bookone day, you can read your very first comic book one day,and on the next day you can start drawing them. There’re very few entry-level barriers. And then you can justtake what you drew over to your local 8)Kinko’s, makesome copies, and suddenly you’re a published author. Soit’s…
  Interviewer: (laughs) I doubt that it’s that easy. Really,don’t you have to have a little bit of skill?
  Yang:(laughs) That’s how most of us start.I also think that comics…a successful com-icisn’t necesarily one that is drawn well.It’s one where all thedifferent elem e n t swork together.So you don’t necessar-ily have to be a top- 9)notch artist in order tocreate a successful comic book.You know,there’re…there’re plenty of examples ofpeople, who are not 10)sterling 11)illustrators, whoare able to create successful graphic novels andcomics. Marjean Sotropy, who did Persepolis–she isn’tparticularly…she’s not a 12)phenomenal illustrator,but she’s an amazing cartoonist. She’s a world-classcartoonist, simply because of the way she’s able to 13)leverage the drawing skills that she does have totell some really wonderful stories.
  terviewer: You definitely 14)tapped into something.This was the first graphic novel that was nominatedfor a National Book Award. In this novel you’re tellingthree stories, really. You have these three 15)prominentcharacters: the Monkey King, the young Chinese-American boy growing up in a white 16)suburb, and thethird character is a guy named Chin-Kee, the 17)over-thetopAsian stereotype. Being semi- 18)autobiographical,what did you get out of writing this book?   Yang:Well,I…I think it gave me an opportunit yto reflect on my own experiences as an AsianAmerican, and that…that’s something that I still haveto think through.i think that this book has opened up alot of really good converastions and …and that’s beenreally good for me.
  Yang’s Site
  Hello! My name is Gene Luen Yang. I beganpublishing comic books under the name HumbleComics in 1996. In 1997, I got the Xeric Grant注 forGordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks.Since then I’ve written and drawn a numberof stories in comics. In addition to cartooning, Iteach computer science at a Catholic[天主教的] highschool in Oakland, California. I currently live inFremont[弗里蒙特市], California with my lovely wifeand children. If you’d like to talk to me about my comics, know more about my life, or anything else,
  please visit my site (http://www.humblecomics.com/). See you there!
  1) adolescence [9AdEJ5lesEns] n. 青春期
  2) stereotype [5sterIEJtaIp] n. 老套,固定形象
  3) subtle [5sQtl] a. 微妙的
  4) racism [5reIsIzEm] n. 种族主义,种族歧视
  5) apparently [E5pArEntlI] ad. 貌似
  6) poignant [5pCInjEnt] a. 痛切的,深刻的
  7) medium [5mi:dIEm] n. 媒介
  8) Kinko’s 全称为“联邦快递金考”(FedExKinko’s),美国著名文件处理及商业服务提供商,门店提供复印、打印、快递等服务。
  9) notch [nɒtF] n. 程度,等级
  10) sterling [5st\:lIN] a. 道地的,纯正的
  11) illustrator [5IlEstreItE] n. 插画家
  12) phenomenal [fI5nɒmInEl] a. 非凡的
  13) leverage [5levErIdV] v. 利用杠杆作用
  14) tap into 利用,开发
  15) prominent [5prɒmInEnt] a. 突出的
  16) suburb [5sQb\:b] n. 郊区
  17) over the top 超过极限,极端
  18 ) a u t o b i o g r a p h i c a l[C:tEJbaIE5^rAfIkl] a. 自传体的
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