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  At 17,000 feet above sea level, where the wind is a biting[刺痛的] 20 below zero, a mountain climber nears his goal of conquering[征服] the world’s tallest peaks.
  Jordan Romero, 3,000 feet away from
  tackling[应付(难事等)] Alaska’s Mount McKinley, has already conquered four mountains – and he is 11 years old.
  “I’ve climbed Mount Aconcagua in South America,
  in Argentina, which is 22,834 feet. I’ve climbed Mount Elbrus in Europe – it’s located in Russia – at 18,510 feet. Mount Kosciuszko in Australia, that’s 7,310 feet. That was quite a tough one just because of the weather, otherwise it would have been an easy, walk hike, just a long walk. And Mount Kilimanjaro of Africa in Tanzania, 19,340 feet.”
  Jordan was 9 years old when he had the idea to climb to the top of the world’s highest mountains – one per continent including Mount Everest – before his 16th birthday.
  McKinley, No. 5 on his list, was turning out to be the hardest so far. Located in Alaska, the mountain, also known as Denali, is 20,320 feet above sea level.
  “It might not be the highest one that I’ve done, but it has to be the one that’s most technical – the one where you’re most likely to slip and fall and have an accident,” Jordan said.
  Jordan said he knows the danger of mountain
  climbing and has learned to watch where he’s going.
  “You have no idea what’s going to happen. But you gotta
  just always watch your step, just watch it and just have a good grip[紧握,抓紧] on there and take another,” he said.
  An Unusual Goal
  His father, Paul Romero, said his son’s goal seemed to come out of nowhere.
  “One day I picked up Jordan from school. He got in the car and suddenly looked at me and said, ‘Dad, I want to climb the seven summits[绝顶,顶点],’” Romero said.
  Jordan said that his dad’s jaw dropped, but that he believed Jordan could do it. Romero said the decision to let his son embark on[开始,从事] his dream was a tough decision, but well worth it.
  Paul Romero is also an adventurer, a
  paramedic[护理人员] who loves to run and climb
  mountains. When his son went up Mount McKinley, Paul was there with him, as his guide and his dad.
  “One Wrong Step”
  Jordan said a lot of preparation goes into getting ready for the climbs. At home in California, he runs uphill
  tugging[用力拖] a tire, sleeps in a tent in his bedroom, and has learned all the technical skills needed to make these climbs.
  “There’s no Sherpas注 up here, no sled dogs or anything like that. You carry your own stuff,” he said. “That was hard. At first I thought, ‘Why am I doing this
  “One wrong step is the last step you’ll ever take,” he said.
  Along for every trip is Karen Lundgren, Paul’s
  girlfriend, who films the treks[艰苦跋涉,徒步旅行]. They are quite aware of the risks of Jordan’s goal.
  Yet, Jordan said he wanted to do something that risked life, “Because that’s what every single person in their life has to do: take risks, take chances, go fast, take chances. And that for me is what mountain climbing is all about – taking risks and taking chances.”
  The boy’s chosen hobby fascinates most people in his hometown of Big Bear Lake, California. He’s become somewhat of a celebrity[名人] there. He is frequently asked to speak at schools, where students riddle[连续质问] him with questions about the climbs and refuse to leave without an autograph[亲笔签名].
  Trying to Stay Focused
  By day five of the climb up McKinley, Jordan hoped for some easier terrain[地形].
  “There was my dad behind me motivating[激发] me and telling me to keep going,” he said. “Without him
  behind me, I wouldn’t be able to focus.”
  He took a short break in his father’s arms that day –
  a reminder that Jordan is still just a kid.
  “It’s tiring,” he said.
  “There is no other boy in the world that could even dare this, Jordan,” his father said. “It’s amazing,
  Jordan. You are so brave.”
  Another problem for his mountain climbing is the cost. Each trip costs about $100,000.
  “It’s been tight. It’s just maxed out[(美俚)竭尽全力] all of our personal expenses. It’s been selling T-shirts. It’s
  been some small fundraising[筹款] efforts,” Paul Romero said.
  But for triumphant[胜利的] moments like the ones the three share on the top of the tallest peaks in the world, all the preparation and fundraising is well worth it.
  On day seven, the family
  reaches the summit of Mount
  McKinley. It’s an emotional moment.
  “We did it! Oh my God. I cannot
  believe this,” Jordan said, shedding[流出] tears of joy before standing tall against the backdrop of clouds.
  That’s five summits that Jordan can check off his list. He’s already a world record holder, but now he’s just two summits away from the final goal of breaking the world record to be the youngest to have climbed them all.
  Jordan said that conquering McKinley was one of the greatest moments of his life.
  He plans to climb Everest at age 14.
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