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“9.27房贷新政”和“3万平方米新政”双管齐下,地产股、银行股先后跳水,股指大幅下挫,北京、上海、深圳等一线楼市成交量锐减、房价松动的消息频传,杭州楼市也结束了大半年的狂飙,回归理性。先行一步的“房贷新政”打击了不少投机者,后发的“3万平方米新政”也规范了不少开发商。自“3万平方米新政”登陆杭州以来,虽然造成了部分楼盘延后开盘,短期供应减少,但长痛不如短痛,更重要的是该政策打破了杭州长达半年来开发企业细水长流的推盘模式。这就意味着今后一旦开盘便是大体量的,以“每个楼盘开3万平方米,每套房100平方米”统计,每新开盘一次就有300套房源推出。那么,29个楼盘集体开盘,是个多么可观的数字!据《楼市》统计,今年春节前后,杭州(含萧山、余杭)将有29个楼盘(约7000套房源)开盘,可谓是10月份房交会之后带给购房者的一大惊喜。大量开盘有效缓冲了长达半年的供需矛盾,也告别了因“3万平方米新政”带来的短暂阵痛。那么在春节前后有哪些楼盘即将开盘?这些新盘放量是否能够满足目前杭州楼市巨大的市场需求,能否抑制房价的过快增长?在这样的深度调控大环境下,杭州楼市的拐点是不是会到来?《楼市》特别策划了本期专题,全方位展示主要区域的不同价位待开楼盘,为消费者提供有效的购房指导。 In the two-pronged approach, real estate stocks and banking stocks successively plunged and the stock indices plunged. Volumes of first-tier property markets such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen plummeted and news of loosening of housing prices was frequent. Hangzhou property market also ended most of the hurricane, return to rational. The first step in the “mortgage New Deal” hit a lot of speculators, issued after the “30,000 square meters New Deal ” also regulate a lot of developers. Since the “30,000 square meters New Deal” landed in Hangzhou, although caused some real estate opening delayed, short-term reduction in supply, but the long-term pain worse short-term, more importantly, the policy broke the long-term development of enterprises in Hangzhou for six months Push plate mode. This means that in the future once the opening is a general measure to “Each property opened 30,000 square meters, 100 square meters per suite ” statistics, there will be 300 sets of new source for each launch. According to statistics from the property market, there will be 29 properties (about 7000 suites) opened in Hangzhou (including Xiaoshan and Yuhang) before and after the Spring Festival this year, which can be described as the October housing After the rendezvous gave buyers a big surprise. The opening of a large number of effective buffer up to six months of supply and demand conflicts, but also bid farewell to the “30,000 square meters New Deal,” the short-term pain. So what are the opening and closing of the Spring Festival before the opening of these new volume is enough to meet the huge market demand in the current property market in Hangzhou, whether to inhibit the excessive growth of housing prices? In such a deep regulation and control environment, Hangzhou property market inflection point is not The arrival of the “property market” specially planned this issue, all-round display of different regions of the main price to be opened for real estate, to provide consumers with effective guidance for buyers.
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