奥运产品“五环 秘笈

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2004雅典的火炬,已经从北京传出,2008年奥运的圣火,将于1500多日后,在北京再次燃起,面对人类4年一次的和平盛会,我们曾经为此付出了许多,回想3年前的7月13日,我曾有幸到天安门广场参加了庆祝活动,在此我第一次亲自领略了“普天同庆”的感受。那一天的晚上8点多钟,当广播里宣布江泽民等党和国家领导人将要登上天安门城楼,和大家一起欢庆申奥成功时,欢庆的人们欢呼着向天安门城楼方向拥去,此时天安门广场成了欢乐的海洋,个性展示的海洋。精明的商人们,把早已备好的印有申奥标志五星的小旗和国旗,冰棍,瓶水,穿梭贩卖。从那一刻起,中国已经进入了奥运经济的新时代。那么如何顺应奥运经济发展规律,以奥运为商机,开发好奥运产品,搞好奥运产品的营销,恐怕只有转变观念,在深入研究、探索奥运产品营销特征的基础上,对传统营销模式进行大胆的创新,中国企业方能在奥运商战中取得全面的胜利。 “五环创新营销模式”就是在根据奥运产品的特征,将奥运理念、现代营销理论与奥运五环标志大胆、巧妙地结合,创新出的一种奥运产品营销模式,这种模式对推动企业奥运产品营销具有一定的启迪促进作用。 Athens 2004 torch has been heard from Beijing. The Olympic torch in 2008 will be revived again in Beijing after more than 1,500 days. In the face of the 4-year peace event for mankind, we have paid a lot for this purpose. Looking back over 3 years Before July 13, I was fortunate enough to attend the celebration in Tiananmen Square. For the first time, I personally had a taste of the celebration of “all-day celebration.” When the radio announced that leaders of the party and state such as Jiang Zemin were going to board the Tiananmen Square watch building and to celebrate the success of the bid to host the Olympic Games, the celebrating people cheered to the Tiananmen Square at 8:00 pm that day Tiananmen Square has become a sea of ​​joy, the ocean of personality show. Shrewd businessmen, the ready already printed with the Olympic flag five-star flag and national flag, popsicles, bottle of water, shuttle sales. From that moment onwards, China has entered a new era of Olympic economy. So how to comply with the law of the Olympic economic development, the Olympic Games as a business opportunity to develop good Olympic products, improve the marketing of Olympic products, I am afraid only the concept of change, in-depth study and explore the characteristics of Olympic marketing products based on the traditional marketing model bold Innovation, Chinese enterprises can achieve comprehensive victory in the Olympic business battle. The “Five-ring Innovation Marketing Model” is an Olympic product marketing model based on the characteristics of Olympic products and combining the Olympic concept, modern marketing theory and the Olympic Rings logo with a bold and ingenious combination. This model is very helpful to promote the Olympic Games Product marketing has some enlightenment to promote role.
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