A Step Forward in Opening up China’s Stock Market

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  On July 8, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) announced that the State Council had, in principle, approved increased access for foreign investors to the Chinese mainland stock market by allowing foreign individuals to trade yuan-denominated A-shares.
  “The move is significant in increasing the financing sources for the stock market, optimizing the structure and lifting the level of opening up and internationalization of the capital market,” the CSRC said in a statement.
  The easing of A-share investment restrictions is part of China’s efforts to further open up its financial sector to foreign investment and gear up the real economy. The new policy’s beneficiaries mainly consist of foreign nationals working in the Chinese mainland and foreigners working overseas for A-share listed companies and participating in equity incentive programs.
  A cooperation mechanism between securities regulators in foreign investors’ home countries and the CSRC is a prerequisite for transactions. To date, 62 countries and regions have signed 68 cooperation agreements with the CSRC.
  The measure is also aimed at attracting foreign talent. As noted by the CSRC, Chinese securities and futures companies have entered a new era of development featuring growing cross-border businesses.
  In such situations, allowing these firms to provide equity incentive programs for foreign employees and encouraging them to invest in the Chinese stock market are conducive to bringing in international financial professionals and advanced foreign market regulation approaches, which is essential for the integration of Chinese securities and futures sectors and their foreign counterparts, and creating worldclass securities and futures companies in China.
  Moreover, the growing number of foreign investors in A-shares indicates that the increase in foreign capital inflow in the shape of asset allocation can be maintained.

  Channels for foreign investment in the A-share market have been expand- ing in recent years, including the Shanghai and Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect schemes and the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors program. On June 1, global index compiler MSCI included more than 200 large-cap A-shares into its bencmark indexes, a landmark event for the opening up of China’s capital market and one which could bring in approximately 50 billion yuan ($7.5 billion) in incremental capital.
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