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我国自1977年恢复高考制度以来,由于长期实行应试教育模式,结果培养了一些学历高、才智低的假性人才,使得钱学森在临终前还忧问:“为什么我们的学校总是培养不了出众人才”?十多年来,众多学者、教师和家长,不断呼吁应试教育改革,盼望实行素质教育。但是,至今不见教育部门有多大改革举措。难道应试教育改革,要比航天火箭飞行研究还难吗?笔者剖析认为,应试教育改革的艰难,不仅有教学因素,也有观念因素和人事因素。下面谈谈教育改革艰难的三个主要原 Since the resumption of the college entrance examination system in 1977, due to the long-term implementation of the exam-oriented education system, as a result, a number of highly educated and intellectually talented people have been cultivated. As a result, Qian Xuesen still worries about his death: “Why is our school always unable to train outstanding people? Talents ”For more than a decade, many scholars, teachers and parents have constantly called for exam-oriented education reform and look forward to the implementation of quality education. However, so far, there has been no major reform measures in the education sector. Is the examination-oriented education reform more difficult than the space rocket flight research? The author analyzes the difficulty of exam-oriented education reform, not only teaching factors, but also the concept of factors and personnel factors. Now let’s talk about the three main reasons for the difficult educational reform
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本文叙述了150C ALC/CPC和KMX—6LALLS联用中遇到的四个问题,提出了三种解决方案,文中着重介绍自控电路。 This article describes four problems encountered in the combi
本文简要介绍了URA编码孔径成像技术。着重讨论了URA相机所获得的重叠像的光学处理方法,得到了实验的和实际的处理结果,并对图像质量进行了必要的分析和评价。 This article
[David WU,et al.Abstracts ASAIO1987;16:15(英文)]选择人工心脏的驱动参数时需要分别考虑收缩时相和舒张时相.房压的大小和舒张期的长短限制着舒张期充入心室的血容量,收