Influence of HVOF coating on the HCF of 300M low alloy steel

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x21501027
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The ultimate methods for solving the contamination of Cr6+ is to replace the Cr electroplating with other techniques, thermal spray provides one of the best choices among those alternative techniques. The influence of coatings upon the fatigue performance of substrate, however,should be labeled as an important factor at some high level applications. The effects of both coatings manufactured by HVOF and Cr electroplating respectively on the fatigue performance of substrate are investigated in this article. These results show that the fatigue limit strength at P= 50 %of thermal spray coating is 750 MPa in comparing with fatigue limit 726 MPa for substrate, and the fatigue life increase 25%- 150% when comparing with fatigue life of substrate at different stress levels. The fatigue life increases in the stress scope of 750-850 MPa even the area of thermal spray coating is subtracted. Cr eleetroplating coating reduces the fatigue life by 70%- 95% and the fatigue limit is only 600 MPa. Fracture analysis reveals that the main fracture is initiated at the subsurface, which is 0.2-0.5 mm away from substrate surface. The analysis also observes that the crack in the Cr electroplating propagates through the interface and finally into the substrate which hastens the formation of crack origin and the extension of crack in the substrate, however, the crack in the thermal spray coating deflects at the interface, spreads along the interface, as a result,the crack forming in the coatings has no negative influence on the main crack initiator and crack extension in the substrate.
充血性心力衰竭(心衰)是一种常见病症,美国报道占人群中2%,虽然对心衰的诊断和治疗有了很大的进展,但预后仍然是很差的,据统计从得到诊断起大约5年的死亡率>50%。 心衰的存活
摘要: 入学时,有些职校生在面对新的变化时感到有诸多的不适应,本文从四个方面来说明班主任该如何帮助他们积极适应新环境,使他们能尽快成为一名成熟的职校生。  关键词: 职校新生集体生活社会角色管理模式学习方法    在经过紧张而又富于挑战性的中考之后,一部分学生跨入了职业学校的大门。随着环境的变化,教学方式的变化,管理的变化,职校新生的心理也发生了各种各样的变化,种种不适应和困惑以及失落感也随之而来
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