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△董源《潇湘图》用的是短笔披麻皴,巨然《秋山问道图》用的是长披麻皴,范宽《溪山行旅图》用的是豆瓣皴,郭熙《早春图》用的是卷云皴,李唐《万壑松风图》用的是斧劈皴。互相比较,因为他们所写的对象不同,创造出不同的皴法,风格也迥异,然其一种气象的高华壮健,笔墨的变化多方,韵味的融润腴美,三者相同,毫无异样。△我们看一幅画,拿第一个标准去衡量,看它的构图皴法是否壮健,气象是否高华,有没有矫揉造作之处,来龙去脉是否交代清楚,健壮而不粗犷,细密而不纤弱,做到这些,第一个标准就差不离了。接下来第二个标准看它的笔墨风格既不同于古人或并世的作者,又能在自己的独特风格中,多有变异,摒去成规旧套,自创新貌。而在新貌中,却又笔笔有来历,千变万化,使人猜测不到,捉摸不清,寻不到规律,但自有规律在。做到这些,第二个标准也就通过了。第三个标准是要有韵味。一幅画打开来,第一眼就有一种艺术的魅力,能抓住人往下看,使人玩味无穷。看过之后,印入脑海,不能即忘,而且还想看第二遍。气韵里面,还包括气息。气息近乎品格,每每和作者的人格调和一致。所以古人说:“人品既高,画品不得不高。”一种纯正不凡的气味,健康向上的力量,看了画,能陶情悦性,变化气质,深深地把人吸引过去,这样第三个标准也就通过了。 △ Dong Yuan “Xiaoxiang map” is a short pen pheasant, giant “Akiyama asked Road map” is a long Phoebe mound, Fan Kuan “Hill trip” is the use of watercress, Guo Xi “early spring map” The use of cirrus clouds, Li Tang, “thousands of pine wind map” is ax split. Compared with each other, because they write different objects to create different methods and styles are also different, but one of its meteorological Gao Jian Zhuang, changes in the pen and ink multi-faceted, the charm of the Run Yun beauty, the same three, with no difference . △ We see a picture, take the first criterion to measure, to see whether it is strong composition of the law, the weather is high, there is no artificial place, the context is clear, robust and not rough, delicate and not delicate, to do To these, the first standard will be gone. The second criterion is that its style of brush and ink is different from that of the ancients or worldly writers. In its own unique style, however, it has many variations, leaving out the stereotypes and creating new looks. In the new appearance, but the pen has a history, ever-changing, people can not guess, unpredictable, can not find the law, but its own law in. To do this, the second standard passed. The third criterion is to have flavor. Open a painting, at first glance there is a kind of artistic charm, can seize the people look down, make people interesting. After reading, printed mind, can not forget, but also want to see the second time. Inside the atmosphere, but also include the atmosphere. Close to the character of style, often in harmony with the author’s personality. Therefore, the ancients said: “The character is high, the picture has to be high.” "A pure and extraordinary smell, a healthy and upward force, when we look at the painting, we can make people feel passionate, change temperament and attract people deeply In the past, such a third standard passed.
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