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一、中央人民政府巳颁布「新解放区农业税暂行条例」。此条例为贯彻合理负担政策的准绳。必须在干部中群众中进行宣传教育,贯彻执行。各省(市)应根据具体情况,拟定施行细则,报由本会核准转报政务院备案,中南区今年农业税任务,遵照中央税法税率,根据各省(市)田亩、产量、灾情、匪情与工作基础,分配各省(市)任务为五十六亿五千七百万斤,(分配数另行电告),除由省酌加布置数外,省以下专县区乡绝对不准层层加派,酌加布置数由省掌握调剂。以保证完成上述总任务,征粮一律以市秤计算,不得用大秤进小秤出。违者以犯法论。二、今年农业稅税率与任务,虽较去年为轻,但仍是今年中南人民繁重负担,完成这一任务,就是正确执行国家财经政策的具体内容,使今后一年工作取得主动,因此各级政府必须配合党群众争取时机,动员全部力量,保证这一艰巨任务的完成,必须掌握政策与完成任务密切结合,防止空谈政策,使任务陷于自流,与祇谈任务,不顾政策的两种偏向,必须防止以为今年任务轻了,因而疏忽大意,或者以为今年任务比去年轻不了多少 First, the Central People’s Government has promulgated the Provisional Regulations on Agricultural Tax in the New Liberated Areas. This regulation is the guideline for carrying out reasonable policies. The masses of cadres must conduct propaganda and education and implement it. According to the specific conditions, each province (city) shall formulate detailed implementation rules and submit it to the State Council for examination and approval for submission. The task of agricultural tax in Zhongnan District this year shall comply with the tax rate of the central tax law and shall be based on the land yield, disaster, banditry and working foundation of each province (city) Allocation of provinces (municipalities) task of 567 million kg, (the number of distribution of a separate report), in addition to the provincial discretion plus the number of layout, the province below the county township absolutely not allowed to increase layers, Arranged by the provincial control transfer. To ensure the completion of the above tasks, requisition of grain shall be calculated according to City Scale and shall not be scaled out using a scale. Offenders to break the law. Second, this year’s agricultural tax rate and tasks, although lighter than last year, are still the heavy burden on the people of South Africa this year. To accomplish this task is the specific content of correctly implementing the state’s financial and economic policies so that the work in the coming year can be taken the initiative. Therefore, The government must work with the party and the masses to win the opportunity to mobilize all the forces and ensure the accomplishment of this arduous task. We must grasp the close combination of policies and tasks to be completed, prevent empty talk of policies, make the task fall into one ’s own course, It must be prevented that this year’s task is light and therefore negligent, or that the task for this year is not much lighter than last year
  目的 探索预防颈动脉斑块形成的血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)的控制目标值。方法 收集12883例健康体检资料,按照颈动脉超声表现,分为颈动脉未见明显异常组、内中膜增厚组
The residual stress distribution was studied by an analytical model, due to shot peening on the welding carbon steel surface layer. The initial welding residual
  目的 了解健康体检人员肝胆胰脾肾超声检查结果及患病特点。方法 收集2010年1月至12月23385例健康体检人员的空腹肝胆胰脾肾的超声检查结果,分析各年龄段各种疾病的患病特
  目的 探索应对老龄化社会,在疗养院内开展护理院工作的可行性、必要性和紧迫性。方法 用SWOT分析法剖析疗养院开展护理院工作的内部优势和劣势、外部机会和威胁,以及应该选
2017年高考已结束,总体来说,今年的英语命题体现高考评价体系“一核四层四翼”的总体要求,围绕立德树人的教育根本任务,紧扣全国统一考试大纲,以考查考生的学习能力和学科素养为主要目标,各套试卷的效度不断提高。  分析全国卷,可知其有以下特点。  (1)融入中华优秀传统文化,通过“讲好中国故事”增强文化自信。2017年全国卷Ⅰ书面表达设置了考生教外国朋友学习汉语的情境,要求考生写封邮件告知外国朋友下次
  目的 了解健康体检人员目前钙营养知识、态度和行为的现状,为开展健康体检人员的健康教育提供有效的科学依据,以期达到预防疾病的目的.方法 采用问卷调查方法,对在本院体检