
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y328151006
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我是一名乡村中学教师,许多时候也涌起-阵阵想写点东西的冲动,但一直未能尝试。最近看到贵刊有关青年的生存状态的征文,深受触动,终于写下了这篇《我的日子——平静、平凡、平淡、平庸》。山东逸星最近的“我或我身边青年的生存状态”征文总令我一读再读,细细琢磨。这是一个太切合我们所思所想的题目。 I am a country school teacher, many times also filled - bursts of urge to write something, but has not been able to try. I recently read your magazine’s essay on the living conditions of young people and were deeply touched. I finally wrote this article entitled “My Days - Calm, Ordinary, Plain, Mediocre.” Shandong Yixing recent “I or the living conditions of young people around me ” essay, I read the first read, carefully pondering. This is a topic that is too much for what we think.
看了第9期“声音”里的“电视剧也应该讲‘环保’”一文, 我举双手赞同,受其启发,对贵刊有几点建议: ●“电视剧也应该讲‘环保’”一文也应该讲讲“环保”。正文第14行“…
Windows 注册表包含有大量对于电子数据取证工作具有直接或潜在价值的信息,但由于其结构复杂、数据量大以及具有一定的操作风险,使得针对注册表的分析往往成为整个电子数据取
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