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因为地缘关系,就职于西南电力设计院的周刚一直负责西藏送电线路的勘察设计工作,见证了西藏从仅有100多千米长的两条110千伏拉萨电网,逐步形成西藏中部绵延上千千米的110千伏电网。随着青藏联网工程林芝—拉萨220千伏线路投入运行,西藏地区正在形成藏中四地市220千伏主干环网。作为西藏电网发展的见证者,周刚对青藏地区的生态了解颇深,这也使他担纲起青藏联网工程直流线路工程设计总工程师的重任。相比以往,此次经历最为特殊——工程沿线生态最脆弱、生态保护资金投入最多、环保设计最周详。在接受完本刊专访后,周刚特意给记者的邮箱发来一份《格尔木—拉萨±400千伏直流输电线路工程环保水保措施施工图设计(总说明)》,其中,不仅清晰地阐述了环保水保措施体系、线路环保水保措施类型,甚至连工程沿线可以用作施工场地的已有建筑和星叶草、麻花艽等植物的图片都印发在上面。现在,青藏联网工程正在积极申请中华环保奖。回望这条工程与生态和谐共生的大美之路,周刚感慨:“代价再大,都是值得的。” Because of its geographical relationship, Zhou Gang, who worked for the Southwest Electric Power Design Institute, has been responsible for the investigation and design of transmission lines in Tibet and witnessed the gradual formation of Tibet from the 110 kV Lhasa grid with a length of only 100 km 110 kilovolt kilometer of the power grid. With the Qinghai-Tibet network linking Nyingchi-Lhasa 220-kV line in operation, a 220-kilovolt trunk ring network is being formed in Tibet and other four cities in Tibet. As a witness to the development of Tibet’s power grid, Zhou Gang learned a lot about the ecology in the Qinghai-Tibet region, which also took him to assume the task of chief engineer of DC line engineering design for the Qinghai-Tibet networking project. Compared with the past, this experience is the most special - the most vulnerable ecological environment along the project, ecological protection funds into the most environmentally friendly design the most comprehensive. After receiving an exclusive interview with this magazine, Zhou Gang specially sent a copy of the “Construction Design of Environmental Protection and Water Conservation Measures for Golmud-Lhasa ± 400 kV DC Transmission Line Project (General Description)” to the reporter’s mailbox, in which not only is it clearly stated The system of environmental protection and water conservation measures, the type of environmental protection and water conservation measures, and even the pictures of the existing buildings that can be used as construction sites along the project and the plants such as Aster, Ephemeroptera, etc., are printed on it. Now, Qinghai-Tibet networking project is actively applying for the China Environmental Protection Award. Looking back at this beautiful road of harmony between the project and ecology, Zhou Gang said with emotion: "