日本是东方人的骄傲。在第二次世界大战后,日本人用自己的双手,在一片废墟上,在饥饿之中,使日本重新崛起。现在,连不可一世的美国对日本也要刮目相看了。仅仅几十年,日本就把如林的强手,一个个远远地抛在了后边,成了世界上独一无二的头号经济大国。日本成功的秘诀何在? 经济与文化伴生,二者相辅相成。一个文盲充斥的国家,经济是不可能起飞的,这是常识。有人说:“日本某某企业的成功是因为运用了<孙子兵法>和现代化的管理方法,更有的学者在经过一番研究之后,下结论说:“孔夫子加资本主义是日本出现奇迹的奥秘。”我想这些断语未免都太偏颇了。但它表达丁一种观点,那就是日本吸收了中国古代文化的精华,并将其出神入化地运用到现代经济活动中去了。
Japan is the pride of the east. After World War II, the Japanese used their own hands, in ruins, in the midst of starvation, to rekindle Japan. Now, even the once-honored United States has also taken a sharp look at Japan. In just a few decades, Japan put Rulin’s strong hand behind each other and became the number one economic power in the world. What is the secret of Japan’s success? Economic and cultural companion, the two complement each other. It is common knowledge that an economy full of illiteracy can not take off. Someone said: “The success of a certain Japanese enterprise is due to the use of the” art of war “and modern management methods, and some scholars after some research concluded:” Confucius and capitalism is a miracle in Japan Mystery. "I think these remarks are too biased, but it expresses the view that Japan has absorbed the essence of ancient Chinese culture and used it superbly in modern economic activities.