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《大地子民》是我州作家李夏历时四年创作的一部以彝族文化、民族团结为主题的长篇小说,2015年由云南出版集团晨光出版社出版发行。作品以古老的滇中彝族小镇“罗玛沼”(当地方言为“老虎出没的地方”)一个土司大家族的兴衰为主线,反映了民国时期至新中国成立这一段历史时期里滇中高原彝族地区的巨变和发展。作品讲述的是几位身份、地位不同的彝族少年与美丽勤劳的少女“拉措”的命运之旅。在政治、战争、时代变迁的大背景下,他们的爱情纠葛和各自的命运轨迹串成了一系列美丽而传奇的故事。他们经历了时代的洪流,经历了罗玛沼大地上发生的起伏与变迁,见证了一个大时代的倒塌和新时代的崛起……在残酷的战争与政治斗争面前,昔日的情侣、朋友、兄弟,有的漂流在异国他乡,有的为自己的理想献出了生命。但他们思国、思乡、思亲、热爱故土的心没有变,无论他们走多远,他们永远是生生不息的中华大地上的子民。作品以清灵梦幻的笔调,描绘了广袤与雄浑的滇中彝山和绚丽多彩的彝族文化,反映了彝汉文化多年来相互包容、相互渗透、和谐发展这样一个历史事实;通过书中人物对故乡“罗玛沼”的怀念,展现了人性的善良与光辉、爱情的美丽与力量,探究在历史的巨大变革中云南少数民族在精神、文化生态领域里的挣扎与变迁,表达了“人性、生存意义和信仰”这样一个心灵主题。全书共30万字,在此节选三章,以飨读者。 “Earth people” is a novel written by Li Xia, the writer of the state for four years with the theme of Yi culture and national unity. In 2015, it was published and published by Morning Press of Yunnan Publishing Group. The work is based on the rise and fall of a large chieftain family in the ancient Yunnan-Yi minority town “Romanum” (the local dialect is “where the tiger infested”), reflecting the historical period from the Republic of China to the founding of New China The Great Changes and Development of Yi Region in Central Yunnan Plateau. The work tells the story of the fate of several teenagers and beautiful and industrious girls with different status and status. In the background of the political, the war and the changing of the times, their love disputes and their destiny trajectories have become a series of beautiful and legendary stories. They experienced the torrent of the times and experienced the ups and downs and changes that took place in the land of Rome Marsh. They witnessed the collapse of a great era and the rise of a new era. In the face of cruel war and political struggle, former lovers, friends and brothers Some drift in a foreign country, and some have given their own ideal life. However, their hearts of thinking, homesickness, thinking of relatives and loving their native land have not changed. No matter how far they go, they are always the people of the endless land of China. The works depict the vast and powerful Yishan in central Yunnan and the colorful Yi culture in the clear and vivid style of writing, reflecting the historical facts that the Yi and Han cultures are mutually inclusive, interpenetrated and harmoniously developed over the years. Through the characters in the book Hometown “” Roman Marsh “, showing the goodness and glory of human nature, the beauty and power of love, exploring the struggles and changes of ethnic minorities in Yunnan in the spiritual and cultural ecology in the great change of history, and expressing ”Human nature, meaning and faith in life," such a spiritual theme. The book a total of 30 words, excerpts of three chapters in order to readers.
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“童年”是首无字的歌谣,适合低吟和哼唱……  一个童年快乐的人,灵魂一定善良而高贵。  “福州西门外向西有一条逶迤的石板路,住着福威镖局林平之家。”金庸的武侠小说《笑傲江湖》开篇写的这条石板路,就从我家门前蜿蜒而过。  自福州出西门,往西,经凤凰池、祭酒岭、洪山桥、洪塘、下安、科贡,到闽江分岔口的淮安村,这条石板路延绵20余公里。我家就在洪塘状元街的一段小巷——状元街上境、沟漧街五块石,由此向西约