Physical balance of the use of the process, often the phenomenon of falling beams, resulting in pointer bending, affecting the accuracy of the instrument. In severe cases, even the beams will be damaged. In order to protect the beams from bending and damage of the pointer, we have made appropriate improvements to the balance and have done well after the trial. Our method is: with 1 ~ 1.5 mm thick aluminum sheet to make two small hooks as shown in Figure 1, mounted on the top of the balance pillar on both sides of the crosshead support the underside of the pointed screws, first remove the lower nut, fitted with aluminum , Tighten the nut so that the notched side is facing outward, then place a rubber band between the two hooks (see Figure 2). This device, it does not affect the use of the balance, but also to prevent the beams fall, if the beams fall under the earthquake