Influence of Superplasticizers on Early Age Drying Shrinkage of Cement Paste with the Same Consisten

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miaoyuan3660346
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The influence of superplasticizer(SP) on the early age drying shrinkage of cement paste with the same consistency was investigated. To conduct the test, which lasted for 72 hours, three paste mixtures were used for comparison. The 72 hours early age drying shrinkage staring from the initial setting time was measured by a clock gauge. The pore size distribution was measured by Mercury Intrusion Method. The surface tension of capillary simulation liquid and mass loss of paste were also measured. The experimental results showed that the addition of SP increased the early drying shrinkage greatly. The ratios of water evaporation and the total free water in mixtures added with SPs showed great differences. SPs fined the capillary pores of paste, and the volume of pore with diameter within 50 nm was well consistent with shrinkage rate. The addition of SPs did not raise the capillary liquid surface tension. It showed that with the volume of pore with diameter within 50 nm and the ratio of water evaporation and the total free water a tolerable shrinkage result of paste added with SP could be predicted, and the elastic modulus could have an influence on the early shrinkage. These results have never been proposed before. The influence of superplasticizer (SP) on the early age drying shrinkage of cement paste with the same consistency was investigated. To conduct the test, which lasted for 72 hours, three paste mixtures were used for comparison. The 72 hours early age drying shrinkage staring The initial size time was was measured by a clock gauge. The pore size distribution was measured by Mercury Intrusion Method. The surface tension of capillary simulation liquid and mass loss of paste were also measured. The experimental results showed that the addition of SP increased the The ratios of water evaporation and the total free water in mixtures added with SPs showed great differences. SPs fined the capillary pores of paste, and the volume of pore with diameter within 50 nm was well consistent with shrinkage rate. The addition of SPs did not raise the capillary liquid surface tension. It showed that with the volume of pore with diameter within 50 nm and the ratio of wat er evaporation and the total free water a tolerable shrinkage result of paste added with SP could be predicted, and the elastic modulus could have an influence on the early shrinkage. These results have never been proposed before.
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