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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 为进一步搞活我省住房二级市场,解决制约住房二级市场发展的突出问题,深化住房制度改革,促进经济发展,特提出以下意见: 一、提高认识,明确开放和搞活住房二级市场的指导思想和目标 (一)进一步提高对开放和搞活住房二级市场重要性的认识。当前,我省正处于国民经济结构战略性调整的关键时期,消费对经济增长的拉动作用日益突出。开放和搞活住房二级市场,引导居民通过市场改善居住条件,促进住房消费,对于盘活存量住房、带动增量住房需求、实现投资和消费的双向拉动、促进整个国民经济增长都具有十分重要的意义。各级政府要把开放和搞活住房二级市场放在政府工作和经济发展的突出位置,增强紧迫感和责任 People’s governments of all cities, people’s governments of all counties (cities, districts), departments of provincial governments, all subordinate agencies, major enterprises and colleges and universities: In order to further invigorate the province’s secondary housing market and solve the problems that restrict the secondary market of housing Highlighting the problems, deepening the reform of the housing system and promoting economic development, put forward the following opinions: First, to raise awareness and clarify the guiding ideology and objectives of opening up and invigorating the housing secondary market (A) to further enhance the importance of opening up and invigorating the secondary market of housing Understanding. At present, our province is in a crucial period of the strategic adjustment of the national economic structure. The driving effect of consumption on economic growth has become increasingly prominent. To open up and revitalize the housing secondary market and to guide residents to improve living conditions through the market and to promote housing consumption are of great significance for invigorating the existing housing stock, boosting the demand for incremental housing, and achieving a two-way drive for investment and consumption and promoting the growth of the entire national economy . Governments at all levels should place the secondary market for the opening and invigorating of housing on a prominent position in government work and economic development, and increase their sense of urgency and responsibility
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2008年的汶川地震、2009年的全球经济危机以及众多自然界、全球化进程中的种种危机与无奈,让人们再次陷入了对未来的迷茫与忧虑。视觉开关VISION SWITCH,于年末力遨七位(组)
各市、县(市、区)人民政府,省政府直属各单位: 省劳动和社会保障厅《关于完善职工基本养老保险“低门槛准入、低标准享受”办法的意见》已经省政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合
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survivin是凋亡抑制蛋白家族的最新成员,1997年由耶鲁大学的Altieri等利用效应细胞蛋白酶受体-1 cDNA在人类基因组库中筛选并且分离出来。随着对survivin的深入研究,发现它与