
来源 :黑龙江档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zguohui69
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本文所指的基层单位是指除档案系统外的县、乡、村等各级机构中设置的档案部门。它们虽不隶属于档案系统,但却实实在在地是档案工作部门的重要组成部分。《档案法》第5条指出:档案工作实行统一领导、分级管理的原则。基层单位处于档案工作的前线,是档案的积累者和形成者,是档案事业大厦的基石。目前,伴随着经济社会发展改革,基层档案管理工作也面临 This refers to the grass-roots units in addition to the file system outside the county, township, village and other agencies set up at all levels of the file department. Although they are not affiliated with the file system, they are really an important part of the file department. Article 5 of the “Archives Law” states: The principle of unified leadership and hierarchical management of archives work. Grass-roots units in the front line of the file, is the accumulation and formation of files, is the cornerstone of the archives building. At present, with the reform of economic and social development, grassroots file management also faces