Request Merging Based Cross-User Deduplication for Cloud Storage with Resistance Against App ending

来源 :电子学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sentown
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Cross-user deduplication is an emerging technique to eliminate redundant uploading in cloud storage. Its deterministic response indicating the existence of data creates a side channel to attackers, which makes the privacy in the cloud at risk. Such kind of attack as well as further appending chunks attack, still cannot be well resisted in current solutions, thus is becoming a big obstacle in using this technique. We propose a secure cross-user deduplication, called Request merging based deduplication scheme (RMDS), which takes the lead to consider resistance against appending chunks attack in a lightweight way, let alone side channel attack. We utilize the proposed XOR based chunk-level server-side storage structure together with a request merging strategy to obfuscate attackers in minimized communication overhead. The experiment results show that, with security guaranteed, the proposed scheme is more efficient comparing with the state of the art.
一、引言随着新生儿出生率的下降和老年人口寿命的延长,全球老龄化问题已成为世界各国共同面临的紧迫的时代课题。根据联合国标准,老龄化社会(Aging society)是指一个国家65
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目的:探讨实时求助性PBL教学法在口腔颌面外科中的应用. 方法:实时求助性PBL教学法是指在颌面外科病房实习过程中,带教老师针对真实的病例表示有疑惑的问题或有迫切需求解
甜茶插根成活率很高, 1977年春利用甜茶断根先嫁接了苹果矮化砧木再进行插根。当年生出的矮化砧苗即芽接了苹果品种,1978年春剪砧,二年育成矮化中间砧苹果苗。在同样管理条件
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