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一国两制下研究中央对香港特别行政区授权到底是什么性质的授权,实质是探讨香港高度自治与中央管治在授权场域中的特殊关系。准确界定这种关系离不开对此种授权之历史语境、现实语境和比较语境的全面剖析,其中的历史语境包括授权环境、《中英联合声明》的本质及该声明与香港基本法的关系等,现实语境包括我国国家结构形式和香港高度自治与中央管治的互动结构等,比较语境表现为中央对香港授权在我国授权谱系中的定位。在此基础上,中央对香港授权的性质可以从授权环境的双重性、授权地位的超越性、授权变迁的复合性、授权效力的独立性等基本维度进行界定。 Under the principle of “one country, two systems”, it is necessary to study what kind of authorization the Central Government places on the authorization of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The essence is to explore the special relationship between Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and the central government’s governance in the field of authorization. Accurately defining such a relationship can not be separated from a comprehensive analysis of historical context, realistic context and comparative context of such authorization. The historical context includes the authorization environment, the nature of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the statement with Hong Kong The relationship between the Basic Law and the other, the actual context includes the structure of our country’s state structure and the highly autonomous autonomy of Hong Kong and the interactive structure of the Central Government. The comparative contextual performance is the central position of Hong Kong authorized by the Central Government in the pedigree of our country’s authorization. On this basis, the nature of the Central Authorities’ authorization of Hong Kong can be defined from such basic dimensions as the duality of the authorizing environment, the transcendence of the empowerment position, the compounding of the authorizing change, and the independence of the authorizing force.
【正】 新修改的《产品质量法》将于今年9月1日起开始实行。新的尺度,会给行业管理、质量技术监督行政执法、企业和消费者带来什么? 执法力度加大 许多违法者过去能做的,现在
以杂交中籼稻徽两优5号为材料,研究不同机插株距(行距固定为30 cm)对其群体建成和产量形成的影响。结果表明,在机插株距为14 cm的条件下,徽两优5号产量构成因素协调,理论产量达