Fabrication of Near Net Shape Metallic Foam via Plaster Mould

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andykoy
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Fabrication characteristics are unstable in direct foaming method.Therefore,most of near net-shape metallic foams are produced,and investigated by powder metallurgy.Direct foaming method,however,has many benefits(i.e.reduce the unit cost of goods and fabrication process etc.) to fabrication of metallic foams. In this article,the fabrication characteristic of near net-shape metallic foams by direct foaming method was evaluated.Al and Plaster was used for base material and mould material respectively.Ca and TiH2 were added to molten AI as thickening and blowing agent for stable condition of bubbles.Thickening time was about 10 min with a stirring speed of 600 r/min.Foaming time was 30-120 s for evaluation of the optimum foaming condition.Amount of agent was selected by pre-experimental data.Porosity of near net-shape goods was measured by Archimedes method.On the other hand,it seems that increasing poring time and thickening agent make the poor porosity Fabrication characteristics are unstable in direct foaming method. Beforefore, most of near net-shape metallic foams are produced, and investigated by powder metallurgy. Direct foaming method, however, has many benefits (iereduce the unit cost of goods and fabrication process etc. ) to fabrication of metallic foams. In this article, the fabrication characteristic of near net-shape metallic foams by direct foaming method was evaluated. Al and Plaster was used for base material and mold respectively respectively. Ca and TiH2 were added to molten AI as thickening and blowing agent for stable condition of bubbles. Thickening time was about 10 min with a stirring speed of 600 r / min. Faming time was 30-120 s for evaluation of the optimum foaming condition. Amount of agent was selected by pre-experimental data. Porosity of near net-shape goods was measured by Archimedes method. On the other hand, it seems that increasing poring time and thickening agent make the poor porosity
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勾股定理及其逆定理在初中数学中占有十分重要的地位.它是几何和代数的联系纽带之一.在以后学习到的几何计算及几何证明中,常要利用勾股定理列出方程或方程组来解决问题.本文着重对有关的解题技巧作一些阐述,供读者参考.    [一、直接应用勾股定理]    有些题目固然能直接应用勾股定理求出某些线段长或列出等式,但离求解的目标还有一定的距离,这时,往往需要通过与其他数学知识的综合应用才能进一步求解.  例1
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