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虽然离子交换法是从拜耳法种分母液中回收镓的最有效的方法,但由于淋洗难的问题未能解决,国内外虽经十余年的研究,该法仍未能取得应用.本文叙述了用离子交换法从生产Al_2O_3的种分母液中回收镓的实验结果,由于开发成功碱性络合淋洗剂,解决了镓树脂因酸性淋洗而引起的降解问题,为离子交换法回收镓提供了实现工业化的可能.实验结果表明种分母液温度降至50℃~55℃后,不经其他任何处理就可进吸附柱.吸附后的种分母液返回Al_2O_3生产流程,饱和树脂用稀碱溶液洗涤,然后用碱性络合淋洗剂进行淋洗,淋洗率大干95%,所得淋洗液含镓大于2g/l,净化并电解后可得到99.99%的金属镓.由于本工艺流程简单,试剂便宜,消耗少,产品成本低.三废处理量少,对环境污染小,生产上具有明显的经济效苴.“,”Ion - exchange is an effective process for the extraction of gallium from Bayer solution, but some problems exist in the elution of gallium from the resin . The resin degradates quickly when acid eluant is used . Ion - exchange is not used in this field at home and abroad.This paper has narrated the experimental result extracting the gallium from Bayer solution. Due to success in developing alkaline complexing eluant, the degradation problem is solved , so it is possible in industry extracting the gallium by ion-exchange.After the temperature of Bayer solution drops down to between 50℃ to 55℃, it can enter to the absorb column without any other treatment. After absorbing the solution return Al_2O_3 production procedure, saturable resin washes with the rare alkali solution, then carry on drip washing with alkaline elutant, the drip washing rate is greater than 95 %, the density of gallium in the drip washing solution is greater than 2g/l, it can get 99.99 % of the metal gallium after purify and electrolysis.This process is simple, the needed reagent is cheap and little, the products are with low costs. It generates little amount of three wastes and has little impact to the environment.It has obvious economic benefits.
1 病例资料rn患者男,38岁,主因持续胸痛4 d,心电图提示急性心肌梗死而由120送入,既往有高血压病10年,血压最高190/120 mm Hg,糖尿病3年,不规则用药.入院查体:T 36.3,P 126次/
在管道化溶出装置中,熔盐加热系统是安全风险较高的区域,本文结合一些实际发生的事件,对熔盐加热系统和以熔盐加热的溶出套管进行了分析,并提出了一些安全防范措施.“,”In t
1 病例报告rn患者女,15岁.青春期后一直无月经来潮,半年前开始无明显诱因出现下腹部持续性胀痛,每间隔30 d下腹疼痛加重3~4 d.超声所见:子宫前倾位,大小约6.9 cm×6.6 cm×6.5