Justice among Generations in the Sustainable Utilization of Resources

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccll
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What the decline of the Sumerian and the ancient Mediterranean civilization and the disappearance of the Mayacivilization enlighten us most is that the premise for the sustainable development of society is the sustainable development ofresources.The sustainable development is that without damaging the later generations’ satisfaction of needs,a development model istargeted,which will satisfy the present generations production and social needs to maximum extent.In a moral sense,the sustainabledevelopment of society and the sustainable utilization of resource are based on the ideal of justice among generations.The ideal ofjustice among generations is also related to efficiency and justice,including norms like Pareto utilization criterion and“minimum andmaximum”.There are different theories about the sustainable development of resources,some of them are:the theory of reasonabledistribution between the present generation and the future generation,the theory of clean resources,the theory of replacementresources and the theory of the zero increase of resource consumption.These theories of resource development mainly use the idealof justice among generations.In order to realize the sustainable utilization of resources,we need to do the work as follows.Firstly,the people’s living philosophy needs to be changed in order to form new responsibility and ethics for nature and to respect life andnature.Secondly,technology needs to be innovated to reduce the exhaustion of resources.Thirdly,the interference system of thegovernment for the macro policy of resource utilization needs to be sound.Fourthly,the reasonable establishment of property rightamong generations needs to be set. What the decline of the Sumerian and the ancient Mediterranean civilization and the disappearance of the Mayacivilization enlighten us most is that the premise for the sustainable development of society is the sustainable development of resources. The sustainable development is that not without damaging the times. , a development model istargeted, which will satisfy the present generation production and social needs to maximum extent. a moral sense, the sustainable development of society and the sustainable utilization of resource are based on the ideal of justice among generations. The ideal ofjustice among generations there are different theories about the sustainable development of resources, some of them are: the theory of reasonable distribution between the present generation and the future generation , the theory of clean resources, the theory o f replacementresources and the theory of the zero increase of resource consumption.These theories of resource development mainly use the idealof justice among generations. order to realize the sustainable utilization of resources, we need to do the work as follows .Firstly, the people’s living philosophy needs to be changed in order to form new responsibility and ethics for nature and to respect life and nature. Secondarily, technology needs to be innovated to reduce the exhaustion of resources. Thirdly, the interference system of the government for the macro policy of resource utilization needs Fourthly, the reasonable establishment of property rightamong generations needs to be set.
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