
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolianglin
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1987年深圳市国民经济和社会发展统计资料充分表明,去年是深圳特区对外开放,加快和深化改革,把握国际经济出现的良好机遇,大力发展外向型经济,国民经济实现持续高速发展的一年。龙年伊始,我市经济保持了持续增长的态势,并且效益良好,发展协调。面对这一派生机勃勃的景象,我们还应清醒地看到,特区建设发展取得的成就,离中央提出的建设特区的要求和我们要达到的目标,还有很大的距离,我们还有很多、很艰巨的工作要做。沿海地区经济发展战略开创了我国改革、开放的新的历史进程。在新的形势下,深圳经济特区原来担当的任务和所要起的作用是削弱还是加强了,如何认识新形势下特区的地位与作用、目标与战略、体制与政策,本期发表的李灏市长的《关于新形势下深圳特区发展中的几个问题》一文,做了很好的回答,为我们提供了重要的有价值的分析与思考。 Statistics of Shenzhen’s national economy and social development in 1987 fully showed that last year was the year when the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone opened up to the outside world, accelerated and deepened the reform, seized the good opportunities in the international economy, vigorously developed the export-oriented economy and the national economy achieved sustained and rapid growth. The beginning of the Year of Dragon, the city’s economy maintained a sustained growth trend, and effective, coordinated development. Confronted with this vigorous picture, we should also be soberly aware that the achievements made in the construction and development of the SAR are still far from the requirements set by the Central Government for the establishment of a special economic zone and the goals we want to achieve, and we still have many more A very difficult job to do. The strategy of economic development in coastal areas has created a new historical process of China’s reform and opening up. Under the new situation, what is the task that the special economic zone of Shenzhen should play and its role to play is to weaken or strengthen it. How to understand the status and role of the SAR, the objectives and strategies, the system and policies under the new situation, the current issue of the city of Li Hao Long “on the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the new situation in the development of a few issues,” a very good answer, provided us with important and valuable analysis and thinking.
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