
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolcool1234567
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目的了解巴中市疟疾流行动态及特征,评价防控措施和效果,为疟疾后期监测提供科学依据。方法收集巴中市1950—2014年疟疾疫情和防控监测资料进行回顾性分析。结果巴中市1950—2014年报告疟疾11 993例,年发病率6.57/10万,有两次流行高峰,分别是1952—1957年、1962—1965年,发病率分别为33.00/10万~35.91/10万、64.91/10万~137.59/10万;发病有明显的季节性,5—8月占71.76%;年龄以20~50岁为主,占83.06%;男女发病数性别比1.76:1;职业以农民为主占88.80%;主要传播媒介是中华按蚊,以间日疟流行为主;防制过程分为调查及重点防治、控制流行、综合防治基本控制和监测巩固达到消除4个阶段,每个阶段均采取相应的防制措施,1995年后发病率控制在1.00/10万以下,1997—2014年报告的疟疾病例均为外源性输入病例。结论巴中市疟疾防治工作达到国家消除标准。但输入性病例不容忽视,应完善防控机制,加强到疟疾流行区务工流动人员的监测,及时发现病人并有效处置,巩固消除疟疾成果。 Objective To understand the epidemiology and characteristics of malaria in Bazhong, evaluate the prevention and control measures and their effects, and provide a scientific basis for post-malaria surveillance. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the malaria epidemic and control data from 1950 to 2014 in Bazhong. Results A total of 11 993 cases of malaria were reported in Bazhong from 1950 to 2014, with an annual incidence of 6.57 / 100000. There were two epidemic peaks, which were 1952-1957 and 1962-1965, respectively, and the incidence rates were 33.00 / 100 ~ 35.91 / 100000, 64.91 / 100000 ~ 137.59 / 10 million; the incidence was obviously seasonal, accounting for 71.76% in May-August; the age was 20 ~ 50 years old, accounting for 83.06%; the incidence of male and female was 1.76: 1 ; Occupations accounted for 88.80% mainly peasants; the main media is the Anopheles sinensis, Malaria epidemic; control process is divided into the investigation and prevention and control, control of the epidemic, the basic control of integrated control and monitoring and consolidation to eliminate 4 At each stage, the corresponding control measures are taken. The incidence rate is controlled below 1.00 / 100,000 in 1995 and the malaria cases reported in 1997-2014 are all exogenous input cases. Conclusion The prevention and treatment of malaria in Bazhong reached the national elimination standard. However, the imported cases should not be neglected. Prevention and control mechanisms should be perfected to enhance the monitoring of migrant workers in malaria-endemic areas, timely detection of patients and effective disposition to consolidate and eliminate malaria.
牡丹 [PaeoniasuffruticosaAndr. (P .moutanSims .) ]隶属于毛莨科 (Ranunculaceae)、芍药属 (Pae onia) ,为落叶小灌木 ,高 1~ 1.5m ,叶纸质 ,通常为二回三出羽状复叶 ,互生 ,呈淡绿色 ,初生时带红色 ,小叶常 3~ 5 Peonies [Paeonias
目的 了解万源市疟疾的流行特点和趋势及防治历程,科学评价消除疟疾的措施,为制定消除巩固维持对策和措施提供依据.方法 用描述性流行病学方法对万源市疟疾流行特点及消除疟