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每当提起年夜饭,我的心情总不免无限的伤感,伤心的泪水一次次打湿我的脸颊,那过去的一幕幕又倒回眼前了。以前,我是一个只会跑回家吃饭的女人,而现在的情况已今非昔比了——最爱我的老公曾酷爱烹调,他曾参加过市里举行的业余烹饪比赛,得过三等奖。回想以前每逢过年过节,我们一家三口都跑到他父母家混饭吃。那时他们家每次都有二十多个人来聚餐,而做饭菜全由老公独自掌勺操持,做出的饭菜无论色泽还是味道,连饭店 Whenever New Year’s Eve, my mood can not help but infinite sad, sad tears wet my face time and time again, and that past scenes back to the front again. I used to be a woman who just ran home for dinner, and now the situation is no longer the past - my husband loved my favorite cooking, he had participated in the city held amateur cooking competition, had three Award. Recall the past during the New Year holidays, we have a family of three went to his parents mixed meal. At that time, their family each time there are more than 20 individuals to dinner, and cooking all the hands of her husband alone spoon to hold, regardless of the color of food made or the taste, even the hotel
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“洛阳风波”引出的“档案”话题 1993年4月,一年一度的牡丹花会在洛阳举行,文化搭台,经济唱戏。各大企业纷纷在交通干道两旁树立产品广告牌。以生产火腿肠而名扬全国的洛阳
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