故障现象 开机 ,仪器的电源保险丝就烧断。故障排除过程 1 由故障现象判定仪器电路部分有短路故障。关掉仪器电源开关 ,拔下仪器的电源插头 ,换上一只新的同规格的保险丝。打开仪器主机的上盖 ,将CN1和CN2插头从电源板上拔下 ,并作好标记。插上仪器的电源插头 ,合上电源
Fault phenomenon When the instrument is turned on, the power fuse of the instrument is blown. Troubleshooting process 1 Judgment by the phenomenon of the phenomenon of a short circuit fault in the instrument circuit. Turn off the instrument power switch, unplug the instrument’s power plug, and replace it with a new one of the same size. Open the top cover of the main unit of the instrument and remove the CN1 and CN2 plugs from the power board and mark them. Plug in the instrument’s power plug and close the power supply