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苏宗胜字津祯,山东淄博人,毕业于山东艺术学院。其美术作品及评介发表于《美术》、《国画家》、《江苏画刊》、《荣宝斋》、《中国画研究》、《东方美术》、及《美术内参》、《美术界》、《水墨境界》等专业刊物。曾出版个人画集两部。作品被中国军事博物馆、荣宝斋、中南海等机构收藏,并入编四十余部国家级出版社编辑的大型辞书和画集。曾赴法国巴黎参加中法文化交流展,并在欧洲五国举办联展和艺术交流活动。作品入选第二届全国中国画展,首届北京美术双年展序列展,第十六届全国新人新作展,中国当代花鸟画大展,首届、第二届中国美协会员中国画精品展,首届中国写意画大展,2002年、2004年全国中国画展及2003年全国中国画提名展等22次全国美术作品展览。并获第二届全国美术金彩奖,纪念毛主席《讲话》发表60周年全国美展银奖,迎奥运全国中国画展优秀奖等。现为中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,淄博书画院专业画家,淄博市美术家协会副主席。 Su Zongsheng word Jin Zhen, Zibo, Shandong, graduated from Shandong Institute of the Arts. His art works and reviews are published in Fine Arts, Chinese Painters, Jiangsu Pictorial, Rong Bao Zhai, Chinese Painting Studies, Oriental Art, and Art Insiders, Fine Arts, Ink State “and other professional publications. Has published two personal paintings. Works by the China Military Museum, Rong Bao Zhai, Zhongnanhai and other institutions, incorporated into the compilation of more than 40 national press editors of large dictionaries and paintings. She went to Paris, France to attend the Sino-French Cultural Exchange Exhibition and held joint exhibitions and arts exchange activities in five European countries. Selected works of the Second National Chinese Painting Exhibition, the first sequence of Beijing Art Biennial Exhibition, the new exhibition of the 16th National Exhibition of new and contemporary Chinese flowers and birds painting exhibition, the first session of the Chinese Artists Association Chinese painting exhibition, the first Chinese freehand brushwork Painting Exhibition, 2002, 2004 National Chinese Painting Exhibition and the 2003 National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition and other 22 national art exhibitions. And won the second session of the National Art Golden Award, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Chairman Mao’s ”speech" silver medal at the National Art Exhibition, welcome the Olympics National Chinese Painting Exhibition Excellence Award. Now a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a national artist, Zibo painting and Calligraphy Institute of professional painters, Zibo City Artists Association vice chairman.
目的:本研究主要目的是构建表达羊型布鲁氏菌M5株P39基因的逆转录病毒载体,为研发新型布鲁氏菌DNA疫苗奠定实验基础。 方法:1.目的基因的获取:对主要在我国流行以及对人致病性
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