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1、桔梗:种子成熟时期是采根最适时期。采根时把根挖出,立即放入水中浸泡,然后用碗片刮皮或趁鲜橹去外皮,切掉残茎,晒干或烘干即可。如果秋季来不及起挖,可在来年初春收获。2、红花:花由金黄色变为红黄色时可以采收,一般在开花旺期选晴天(露水干后)采摘。采摘时先捻一下花头,然后用一手掐住花头,再用另一只手拇指和食指将花拧下来。将采收的鲜花铺在席子上,在通风干燥处阴干,保持色泽。 1, Campanulaceae: seed maturity is the most appropriate time to take root. When digging roots dredged, immediately into the water soak, and then use a bowl scraping the skin or take advantage of fresh skin to the skin, remove the residual stem, dried or dried can be. If the fall is too late to dig, it can be harvested in early spring next year. 2, safflower: flowers from golden yellow to red and yellow can be harvested, the general election flowering sunny days (dew dried) picking. When picking, twist the flower head first, then grab the flower head with one hand, then use the other hand thumb and index finger to unscrew the flower. Will be harvested flowers on the mat, dried in a ventilated and dry, maintain color.
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