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所谓的“虚拟财产”外廷宽泛,其准确名称应是“虚拟事物”。用大陆法系民法观点分析,作为一种无体存在的客观事物,虚拟事物难以成为物权、债权或知识产权的客体,但其上存在民法应予保护的合法利益。该合法利益可区分为人格利益和财产利益,均具对世性,可类推适用绝对权的保护方式。对用于交流沟通信息、表明个人社会存在的虚拟事物,其上利益部分可以纳入人格权体系,其他的可作为人格利益保护。对用于市场交易、开展经济活动的虚拟事物,多数情况下可视为金钱等同物。对用于个人休闲娱乐、给人带来精神满足的虚拟事物,其上可能兼具人格利益和财产利益。将虚拟事物上之利益不作为权利而作为合法利益给予民法保护,契合当前民法体系的完整性、包容性,也满足进行刑法保护的需要。 The so-called “virtual property ” wide outer court, the exact name should be “virtual things ”. As a kind of objective thing with body existence, it is difficult to become the object of real right, creditor’s right or intellectual property with the civil law viewpoint of civil law. However, there is the legitimate interest that civil law should protect. The legitimate interest can be divided into personality and property interests, both of the world, can be analogy to apply the right to absolute protection. For the virtual things used for exchanging and communicating information and indicating the existence of individual society, the interest component can be included in the personality right system, while the others can be protected as personal interests. For the virtual things used for market transactions and economic activities, in most cases they can be regarded as money equivalents. The virtual things used for personal leisure and entertainment and bringing spiritual satisfaction may have personality and property interests. To protect the interests of the virtual things as the legitimate interests of civil law not as a right, in line with the integrity of the current civil law system, inclusive, but also to meet the needs of criminal law protection.