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全国当代美学学术研讨会,于1992年5月6日至9日在河南焦作市举行。这是邓小平同志南巡谈话后,美学界举行的第一次全国性的学术研讨会。来自全国各地的30多位专家学者出席了会议。大家一致认为,改革开放为美学研究提供了大好时机,也对当代美学提出了新的课题与挑战,围绕着如何顺应改革开放大潮,建构有中国特色的当代美学体系,使美学为中华民族的精神建设和经济腾飞服务,是美学界亟待解决的一个重要问题。围绕此,与会学者集中讨论了以下六个方面的问题。 当代美学大转型与突破口。近年来,我国美学界已形成一个共识:进入90年代,中国当代美学正面临一个具有历史意义的大转型态势。所谓转型,就是从美学的传统形态向美学的当代形态的转型。蒋丕坤(中国人民大学美学所所长、教授)认为,“转型”是一个学科概念,而不是一个单纯的时间概念。严格说来,到现在为止的我国美学还是传统形态的美学。纵观40年中国当代美学史,80年代是一个辉煌阶段。80年代未到90年代初是现代形态的美学向当代形态的美学的转型期。90年代将会走向成熟,将会在马克思主义的指导下形成新的学派,建立起新的体 National Symposium on Contemporary Aesthetics, held from May 6 to May 9, 1992 in Jiaozuo, Henan. This is the first national symposium held by the aesthetic circle after Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour talk. More than 30 experts and scholars from all over the country attended the meeting. All agreed that the reform and opening up provided a golden opportunity for the study of aesthetics and also posed new topics and challenges to contemporary aesthetics. Focusing on how to comply with the tide of reform and opening up, constructing a contemporary aesthetic system with Chinese characteristics and making aesthetics the spirit of the Chinese nation Construction and economic take-off service, the aesthetic community is an important issue to be solved. Around this, the participating scholars focused on the following six aspects. Contemporary Aesthetics Great Transformation and Breakthrough. In recent years, a consensus has emerged in the field of aesthetics in our country: In the 90s of the 20th century, contemporary Chinese aesthetics is facing a great transformation with historical significance. The so-called transformation is the transformation from the traditional form of aesthetics to the contemporary form of aesthetics. Jiang Pikun (director of the Institute of Aesthetics, Renmin University of China, professor) believes that “transformation” is a subject concept, not a mere concept of time. Strictly speaking, the aesthetics of our country up to now is still the traditional form of aesthetics. Throughout 40 years of Chinese history of contemporary aesthetics, the 1980s is a brilliant stage. From the early 1980s to the early 1990s, the transition from the aesthetics of the modern form to the aesthetics of the contemporary form. 90 years will be mature, will be under the guidance of Marxism to form a new school, establish a new body
近年来,北京军区某集团军的新闻报道工作一直走在军区乃至全军的前列,推出的某防空旅和“陆航尖兵”孙凤阳等一批单位和个人典型,在军区和全军部队引起强烈反 In recent yea
我所就读的学校,在异国一个小城,信息来得慢。因此,去年十月的《读书》,刚刚上架。其中一篇文章引起我注意,便是传圣的《儒家思想与自我》(92页)。其文曰:“儒家并没想到建立一套完整的人的学说。”原因是:儒学中缺乏“自我论”。  我看未必。  “自我”不是一个简单的概念。相关者有“自己”、“自身”、“自家”、“自个儿”、“自私”,等等,意思都落在一个“我”字上。我们生活在众生之间,用这些概念将自己区别
结婚三年多来,晓晴第一次觉得委屈是在去年的夏天。那天晓晴很渴,把冰箱里最后两根雪糕都吃了。等大伟回来嚷着渴死了走向冰箱时,晓晴告诉他雪糕已经没了。  大伟皱皱眉,又走向了饮水机,可是饮水机也没水了,大伟忍不住提高了嗓门:“晓晴,你很过分!雪糕你吃了就算了,饮水机没水也不知道打电话要?”大伟的不满让晓晴不舒服。不就是吃了两根雪糕,没打电话要水吗?至于么!和大伟吵了一架,晓晴就回了娘家,找父亲哭诉。父