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哲学家说,未来的起点在过去(The future started a long time ago)。要想预言21世纪工业设计的未来,需要认真研究工业设计发展与社会、经济、文化、历史等各种因素之间的相互关系。现代设计与社会经济的关系就是影响工业设计未来的关键问题。 概括起来,西方资本主义发达国家的工业设计是在市场经济、市场竞争、消费主义、企业管理和对物质利益的肯定这几个社会经济条件主导之下发展的。生产与消费、有计划的废弃与对物质财富的欲望,成为设计的社会经济推动力。第二次世界大战结束以后,美国实现了空前绝后的消费增长,同时也实现了工业设计职业化和商业化。美国的国势也在二战后以独一无二、无可比拟的优势君临整个资本主义世界。 到20世纪末期,社会经济的发展使人们认识到,世界一体化正在形成,世界只是一个地球村。首先,高科技的飞速发展,使得生产力的国际化进一步增加。生产的高度专业化和协作化不仅表现在一个国家 Philosophers say that the future starts in the past (The future started a long time ago). To predict the future of industrial design in the 21st century requires careful study of the interrelationship between industrial design development and various social, economic, cultural and historical factors. The relationship between modern design and socio-economic issues is a key issue affecting the future of industrial design. To sum up, the industrial design of the developed countries in western capitalism has developed under the social and economic conditions of market economy, market competition, consumerism, business management and the affirmation of material interests. Production and consumption, planned abandonment and desire for material wealth have become the socio-economic drivers of design. After the end of World War II, the United States achieved unprecedented growth in consumption while also realizing the professionalization and commercialization of industrial design. After the Second World War, the national situation of the United States also dominated the entire capitalist world with its unique and unparalleled advantages. By the late 20th century, the socio-economic development made people realize that the integration of the world is taking shape and the world is just a global village. First of all, the rapid development of high technology has further increased the internationalization of the productive forces. The high degree of specialization and collaboration in production is reflected not only in one country
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阐述了“话题式”英语词汇教学法的过程及其可行性,指出采用这种方法讲授和学习英语词汇应以教 材和实际生活相联系为教学原则,进一步论述了这种词汇教学法的诸多益处。
目的研究羟乙基淀粉(hydroxyethyl starch,HES)早期液体复苏对感染性休克新生兔肝脏的保护作用。方法接受盲肠结扎穿孔法手术的健康新西兰长耳新生兔60只,随机分为3组,每组20只