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市场经济时代的经济建立在信用的基础上。企业要得到持久的发展,企业信用、信誉是不可或缺的资源,是企业重要的无形资产。先贤孔子曾说过:“人而无信,不知其可也”。西方经济学家也提出:“时间是金钱,信用也是金钱”,企业必须以诚信为基础,通过信用的建立产生长远的利益。现代企业竞争,不仅要进行质量竞争,而且存在商誉竞争。商誉竞争的核心是信用和公正,讲究信誉是企业成败的关键。美国是率先建立信用制度体系的国家,美国《财富》杂志每年都邀请八千余名高级管理者、非执行董事和金融分析家对年销售额在5亿美元以上的三百多家企业进行企业信用评价和研究。我国企业增强核心竞争力必须建设企业信用体系,营造公平竞争的市场经济秩序。一个企业和企业中的职工道德观的形成,都得益于他们基于诚信本质要求的社会伦理文化建设。企业缺乏诚信,经营活动会困难重重。而百年老店首要的是以诚信为本。杭叉以诚信作为立足市场、赢得市场之本,得到了可喜的壮大企业的实效。杭叉经验值得推荐。 The economy of the market economy is based on credit. Enterprises to be sustained development, corporate credit, credit is an indispensable resource, an important intangible assets of the enterprise. The sages Confucius once said: “people without a letter, I do not know its too.” Western economists also put forward: “Time is money, credit is money,” and enterprises must rely on honesty as the foundation to generate long-term interests through the establishment of credit. Modern business competition, not only to conduct quality competition, but also the existence of goodwill competition. The core of goodwill competition is credit and fairness, stress credibility is the key to business success. The United States is the first country that has set up a system of credit systems. Fortune Magazine invites over 8,000 senior managers, non-executive directors and financial analysts annually to more than 300 enterprises with annual sales of more than 500 million U.S. dollars Credit evaluation and research. To enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises, we must build an enterprise credit system and create a fair market economy order. The formation of a worker’s morality in a company and an enterprise benefits from their social and ethical culture based on the essential requirements of good faith. Business lack of integrity, business activities will be difficult. The first century-old is in good faith-based. Hang Fork in good faith as a foothold in the market, winning the market of this, has been gratifying the effectiveness of the growth of enterprises. Hang fork experience is recommended.
1.工程概况 浙江省江山市城中大桥横跨须江,桥梁全长为204.6m,桥面宽22m,为三跨不等跨的中承式钢管混凝土拱桥,共设2个桥墩,2个桥台。 2.工程地质条件 桥址座落于火山岩和石
南充市顺庆区是四川省历史文化名城,西南地区重要的交通枢 纽,川东北地区重要的科教文化中心,经济综合实力在全省丘陵县 (市)区中列第8位,2004年国民生产总值达68.84亿元。 近