Numerical Simulation of Impact on Pneumatic DTH Hammer Percussive Drilling

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyx19870907
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The process of DTH(down-the-hole) hammer drilling has been characterized as a very complex phenomenon due to its high nonlinearity,large deformation and damage behaviors.Taking brittle materials(concrete,granite and sandstone) as impact specimens,the explicit time integration nonlinear finite element code LS-DYNA was employed to analyze the impact process and the penetration boundary conditions of DTH hammer percussive drilling system.Compared with previous studies,the present model contains several new features.One is that the 3D effects of DTH hammer drilling system were considered.Another important feature is that it took the coupling effects of brittle materials into account to the bit-specimen boundary of the drilling system.This distinguishes it from the traditional approaches to the bit-rock intersection,in which nonlinear spring models are usually imposed.The impact forces,bit insert penetrations and force-penetration curves of concrete,granite and sandstone under DTH hammer impact have been recorded;the formation of craters and fractures has been also investigated.The impact loads of piston-bit interaction appear to be relatively sensitive to piston impact velocity.The impact between piston-bit interaction occurs at two times larger forces,whereas the duration of the first impact doesn’t change with respect to the piston velocity.The material properties of impact specimen do not affect the first impact process between the piston and bit.However,the period between the two impacts and the magnitudes of the second impact forces greatly depend on the specimen material properties.It is found that the penetration depth of specimen is dependent on the impact force magnitude and the macro-mechanical properties of the brittle materials. The process of DTH (down-the-hole) hammer drilling has been characterized as a very complex phenomenon due to its high nonlinearity, large deformation and damage behaviors .aking brittle materials (concrete, granite and sandstone) as impact specimens, the explicit time integration nonlinear finite element code LS-DYNA was employed to analyze the impact process and the penetration boundary conditions of DTH hammer percussive drilling system. Compared with previous studies, the present model contains several new features. One is the 3D effects of DTH hammer drilling system were considered. An important important feature is that it took the coupling effects of brittle materials into account to the bit-specimen boundary of the drilling system. This distinguishes it from the traditional approaches to the bit-rock intersection, in which nonlinear spring models are usually imposed. The impact forces, bit insert penetrations and force-penetration curves of concrete, granite and sandstone under DTH hammer im the formation of craters and fractures has been recorded. The impact loads of piston-bit interaction appear to be relatively sensitive to piston impact velocity. The impact between piston-bit interaction occurs at two times larger forces, duration of the first impact does not change with respect to the piston velocity. the material properties of impact specimen do not affect the first impact process between the piston and bit. However, the period between the two impacts and the magnitudes of the second impact forces greatly depend on the specimen material properties. It is found that the penetration depth of specimen is dependent on the impact force magnitude and the macro-mechanical properties of the brittle materials.
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患者女,2岁.因多饮、多食、身材超常1年,月经来潮7 d于2005年7月15日入院.无消瘦、多尿、癫(癇)病史.体格检查:神清,语利,智力超同龄儿,双瞳孔正大等圆,对光反射灵敏,双眼视力眼底不能查,余颅神经及神经系统检查阴性.精神欣快,过度活泼.妇科检查显示近似外阴成人型,乳房发育,B超显示:子宫2.7 cm×2.6 cm×2.0 cm.身高108 cm、体重21 kg;雌二醇509.8 pmol