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  For years the word “geek” had negative
  1)connotations. You thought nerd, a 2)loner playing 3)board games at home with mum and wearing knitted 4)cardigans in the process. But not anymore.
  For anyone unaware of Simon Pegg’s hit Spaced (as I know there are some who were 5)living under rocks at the time and have missed its cultural influence), Spaced focused on the lives of Tim and Daisy, who pretended to be a couple to have a lovely London flat. Made up of film 6)parodies and 7)bizarre plots, it has some very 8)hard-core fans (including myself) that spread the word and keep the show alive.
  Spaced was ahead of its time, its main themes were geek culture and the 9)quarterlife crisis, the crisis that graduates were going through as they left university but had no clue what to do after it. TV and film have addressed these issues since, but Spaced was the first to use it with pop culture to create a truly great show based around the so-called geek culture.多年来,“极客”这个词有着负面的含义。你以前认为那就是个性格孤僻的书呆子,穿着针织羊毛衫在家里和妈妈一起玩棋类游戏。然而,情况已今非昔比。总会有人没看过西蒙·佩吉的热片《屋事生非》(因为我知道当时总有些人不闻世事,错过了该作品的文化影响),《屋事生非》讲述了蒂姆和黛西为了得到一所温馨的伦敦公寓而假装成情侣的故事。该电视作品由诙谐的影视模仿和怪诞的剧情组成,已经有了一些铁杆“粉丝”(包括我自己在内),粉丝们四处推广该剧,使其保持着活力。
  In my opinion, this rise of geek culture can only be a terrific thing. People aren’t so afraid to be themselves anymore, and of all the worlds to be a part of, the geek world is the most accepting. We can smell a fake geek that’s 14)jumped on the bandwagon a mile off, and we don’t always like it, but we accept it regardless.
  The problem is geeks have been given a new image, a cooler image, a more acceptable to the masses image. Although this is probably a good thing, I can’t help but think this almost sells out the origins of geek and changes it into something mainstream to the point where it’s not itself anymore. It’s started to become a parody of itself, something if Spaced was still around it would have picked up on.
  Geek is a not an image or an idea, it’s something you are. It has its own culture, and we are proud to be a part of it. In our own awkward way of course.
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