
来源 :风景园林 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:EricQLiu
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新中国的风景园林事业60年来经历了沧桑巨变。如今,站在又一个起点上,我们将继续在未来的征程上渐进式前进,既面临着新的机遇和挑战,也会有新的困惑和突破。正是基于这种考虑,从本期起,我社特辟《观点》专栏。每期遴选一个焦点话题,广邀各界人士参与,发表自己的看法和见解。本栏将力求深度、犀利、务实、有用,为行业打造一个“短、频、快”的思想碰撞和交流的平台。9月22日,行业内规格最高、规模最大的国际性、专业性博览会——中国国际园林花卉博览会在济南拉开帷幕,引起了业内的广泛关注。十多年来,从室内展到室外展,发展到与城市大格局的融合,园博会成为风景园林行业快速成长的一个缩影,却也面临着“十字路口”的选择。因此,本期以此为话题,邀请了来自管理、教育和设计领域的专家学者发表他们的观点。 Landscape architecture in New China has undergone tremendous changes over the past 60 years. Now, starting from yet another starting point, we will continue to make incremental progress in our journey ahead, facing new opportunities and challenges as well as new puzzles and breakthroughs. It is precisely based on this consideration that since the beginning of this issue, we have created a special column entitled “Viewpoints.” Each selection of a focus topic, to invite people from all walks of life to participate in, to express their views and opinions. This column will strive to depth, sharp, pragmatic and useful for the industry to create a “short, frequent, fast ” thinking collision and exchange platform. September 22, the industry’s highest profile, the largest international and professional exposition - China International Garden and Flower Expo opened in Jinan, aroused widespread concern in the industry. For more than a decade, from the indoor exhibition to the outdoor exhibition and the integration with the big city pattern, the Expo has become a microcosm of the rapid growth of the landscape architecture industry. However, it is also faced with the choice of “crossroads”. As a result, this issue has been invited as an occasion for experts and scholars from the fields of management, education and design to express their views.
《安妮日记》(简称《日记》)记录了犹太少女安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank,1929-1945)在1942年6月12日到1944年8月1日期间,在阁楼躲避纳粹搜捕时的成长经历,日记终止于她被关进集
苍蝇总是出现在垃圾堆或腐烂的尸体上,它们浑身沾满病菌,为什么却不会感染细菌呢? Flies always appear on garbage dumps or decaying bodies, they are covered with germ
文章阐述水源井工程的设计原则,以及各项参数的确定及相关计算过程。 The paper describes the design principles of water well engineering, as well as the determinati
摘要:表见代理制度旨在维护市场交易秩序,保护交易安全。本文主要论述并评析我国学界关于表见代理的三种定义,揭示表见代理的本质,阐述关于表见代理构成要件的不同理论以期为我国的表见代理制度的研究带来些许建议和思考。  关键词:代理;表见代理;构成要件;交易安全  一、表见代理的定义  对于表见代理的概念,学界有很多观点。但笔者认为以下三种较为合理。  其一,"表见代理,指无权代理人,具有代理权存在的外观