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平屋顶上安装避雷带,大多采用直径≥8毫米的镀锌钢筋,用扁钢片固定于女儿墙顶。经多年观察发现,这种做法存在如下缺点:1.避雷带直接固定于女儿墙顶,距女儿墙顶面约100~150毫米,在建筑物立面上较易看见,影响建筑物的立面效果。2.避雷带长期暴露在露天,经常雨淋日晒,虽经防锈处理也易生锈,铁锈顺雨水流到建筑物的外墙面,留下了道道锈斑。针对以上情况,我院对平屋顶女儿墙上装设避雷带进行了改进。 Lightning protection belts are installed on flat roofs, and most of them are made of galvanized steel bars with a diameter of ≥ 8 mm and are fixed to the top of a parapet with flat steel sheets. After many years of observation, this practice has the following disadvantages: 1. The lightning protection belt is directly fixed on the top of the parapet wall, approximately 100-150 mm from the top surface of the parapet wall, and is easily visible on the building facade, affecting the facade of the building. effect. 2. The lightning protection belts are exposed to the open air for a long time, and often rain and sunshine. Although rust-proof treatment also rusts, the rust flows along the outer wall of the building, leaving rust in the track. In view of the above, we have improved the installation of lightning protection strips on the daughters of flat roofs.
“卒本城”在何地,已有多种说法。本文从文献考证与实地考察的结合上作了新的探索,认为喇哈城遗址有可能是卒本城遗址,值得深入考证。 “Death City ” Where, there are a
本文从深入理解词语,积累扩展知识,解读佳句难句,引导理解写法,掌握写作技巧等方面对语文阅读教学中知识积累的方法进行了探讨。 This article discusses the methods of kn
哎!我的老妈整天唠叨,让我有苦说不出。早晨的梦香香甜甜,我恨不得趁机多睡一会。这时,妈妈走过来,柔声细语地说:“毛毛,该起床了!已经七点二十分了。”我无动于衷, Hey! My
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Blog,其实就是日记,不过是放在网上的日记。在Blog的世界里,你可以跟全世界的朋友分享自己的生活。怎么样?我们这就开始逛(ɡuàng)Blog吧! Blog, in fact, is a diary, but