
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoqiang113
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Background &Aims: Kinetic modeling of hepatitis C virus(HCV) response to inte rferon (IFN)-based therapy provides insights into factors associated with treat ment outcomes.HCV/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-co-infected patients show lower response rates vs. HCV-monoinfected patients. Reasons for this remain un clear. This study evaluated kinetic parameters and treatment responses in co-in fected vs monoinfected patients. Methods: Co-infected patients were randomized within a US multicenter trial (ACTG 5071) to receive pegylated-interferon (PEG -IFN) alfa-2a +ribavirin vs.IFN alfa-2a +ribavirin. Monoinfected controls w ere matched prospectively for treatment, genotype, age, sex, race, and histology .Quantitative HCV-RNA testing was performed at hours 0,6, 12, 24, 48, and 72; d ays 7, 10, 14, 28, and 56; and weeks 12,24, 48, and 72. Results: Twelve HCV/HIV -co-infected and 15 HCV-monoinfected patients underwent viral kinetic samplin g.Among HIV-positive patients the mean CD4+count was 325 cells/mm3. Seventy-f ive percent of patients were genotype 1.The HCV-RNA level was undetectable at 7 2 weeks in 25%and 40%of co-infected and monoinfected patients, respectively.P hase 1/2 declines, free virus clearance rate, and infected hepatocyte death rate were not affected by co-infection status but differed by treatment. Efficiency (e) ≥90%at 60 hours was associated with viral clearance (P =. 02). Modeling w ith pooled parameters suggests baseline viral load is a key factor in time to re sponse in this cohort. Predicted clearance time increased by 28%in co-infected patients. Conclusions: Co-infection status did not affect key kinetic paramete rs. Among kinetic parameters, efficiency was associated significantly with viral clearance. Co-infected patients may require longer treatment duration thanmono infected patients given their generally higher baseline viral loads. Background & Aims: Kinetic modeling of hepatitis C virus (HCV) response to inteferon (IFN) -based advice provides insights into factors associated with treatment outcomes.HCV / human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) -co-infected patients show lower response rates vs Methods: Co-infected patients were randomized within a US multicenter trial (ACTG 5071) to receive pegylated -interferon (PEG-IFN) alfa-2a + ribavirin vs. IFN alfa-2a + ribavirin. Monoinfected controls w ere matched prospectively for treatment, genotype, age, sex, race, and histology. Quantitative HCV-RNA testing was performed at hours 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72; dysys 7, 10, 14, 28, and 56; and weeks 12, 24, 48, and 72. Results: Twelve HCV / HIV-co-infected and 15 HCV -monoinfected patients underwent viral kinetic samplin g. Among HIV-positive patients the mean CD4 + count wa s 325 cells / mm3. Seventy-f ive percent of patients were genotype 1. The HCV-RNA level was undetectable at 7 2 weeks in 25% and 40% of co-infected and monoinfected patients, respectively. P hase 1/2 declines , free virus clearance rate, and infected hepatocyte death rate were not affected by co-infection status but differed by treatment. Efficiency (e) ≥90% at 60 hours was associated with viral clearance (P = .02). Modeling w ith pooled parameters suggests baseline viral load is a key factor in time to re sponse in this cohort. Predicted clearance time increased by 28% in co-infected patients. Conclusions: Co-infection status did not affect key kinetic paramete rs. Among kinetic parameters, efficiency was associated significantly with viral clearance. Co-infected patients may require longer treatment duration than mono infected patients given their generally higher baseline viral load.
在一年一度的 5.17 世界电信和信息社会日到来之际,黑龙江电信在全省范围内开展了“齐聚天翼”大型优惠促销活动,主推 4 寸大屏千元智能机,品种丰富、功能齐全、应用广泛,深
【内容摘要】高中数学的教学模式较为枯燥,且数学有较强的抽象性,很难激发学生的学习兴趣。在高中数学教学中实施主体性教学法,有利于增强学生自主学习能力,促进学生的全面发展。本文简单阐述了实施主体性教学法的原因和相关策略,分析实施主体性教学法的意义。  【关键词】高中数学 主体性教学法 抽象性 意义  一、高中数学教学中实施主体性教学法的意义  1.高中学生的数学基础不相同  高中学生的数学基础各异和高
每个人都经历过抑郁情绪,抑郁症也是心理疾病中最常见的一种,科学家认为“抑郁”是我们在应对重大生活事件,比如分离和疾病,所发展出来的一种适应性的方式。人类为什么会进化出这种令人痛苦的适应方式呢?抑郁情绪会如何影响我们的认知能力呢?如果换个角度,我们或许会发现抑郁心情的另一面。反刍思维也有好处  在精神科的门诊中,常有一些患者因为学业压力、工作压力等前来咨询。尽管抑郁症在临床上是需要治疗的疾病,但是如