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随着转换机制工作的深入,一方面会引起企业内部人际关系和经营方式的重大变化,另一方面也给人们的心理、观念、习惯等带来巨大的冲击。由于原有的利益结构和分配关系逐步被冲破.新的合理的利益结构和分配关系尚未完全形成,面对正在建立的市场经济的新结构、新模式和新规范还不适应,使职工在新旧机制交替时期产生种种心理障碍,职工的心理障碍将直接影响经营机制转换的进程,是当前尤其值得重视的一种倾向。目前表现出来的几种主要心理障碍是:失落心理和逆反心理、风险心理、攀比心理和趋同心理、从众心理等等。 With the deepening of the work of the conversion mechanism, on the one hand, it will cause major changes in the company’s internal interpersonal relationships and business methods. On the other hand, it will also bring great impact on people’s psychology, ideas, and habits. As the original interest structure and distribution relations are gradually broken through, the new and reasonable interest structure and distribution relationship have not yet been fully formed, and the new structure, new model, and new norms of the market economy that are being established are still not adapted to make workers old and new. There are various psychological obstacles during the alternation of the mechanism. The psychological barriers of employees will directly affect the process of transition of the operating mechanism. This is a trend that is worthy of particular attention. Some of the major psychological obstacles that have emerged at present are: Lost Psychology and Rebellious Psychology, Risky Psychology, Comparison Psychology and Convergent Psychology, Herd Psychology and so on.
目的探究心理护理应用在危重症患者中的临床效果。方法 82例危重症患者,依照护理方法的不同分成试验组与对照组,每组41例。对照组选择常规护理方法 ,试验组选择心理护理方法
借助宋诸宋画,也许可以复原宋人居室中的一两个场景。暖阁、炭炉、扇车、冰盘,于是我们可以捕捉到寒来暑往中若干细心的经营。 Song Song Zhuang painting, Song may be abl
Wet compression is an effective way to enhance the performance of gas turbines and it has attracted a good deal of attention in recent years. The one sidedness
据《Электрическиестанции》2 0 0 1年 7月号报道 ,在世界各国核电站和火力发电站运行的汽轮机中多次发现在相变区域工作的汽轮机轮盘产生腐蚀龟裂。轮