弘文励教二十载 桃李遍八闽——省厅技术学校召开建校20周年庆典大会

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11月20日,福建省劳动保障厅技术学校(福建省劳动干部学校)迎来了建校20周年庆典。省劳动保障厅王克益厅长、钟维平副厅长、李华副厅长、江作梁副厅长和省厅有关处室、直属单位负责人到会祝贺。出席庆典大会的还有省教委、福州市教委、福州市劳动局、兄弟学校的有关领导,以及历届校友。会上,王克益厅长、钟维平副厅长发表了热情洋溢的讲话,对技校20年来的成就给予了充分的肯定,并对今后的工作、提出了殷切的希望。省厅技术学校创办于1979年,1982年开始正式招生,1995年被省政府授予省重点技工学校,1996年被国家劳动保障部列为首批国家级综合职业培训基地,同年经省教育厅批准,开办福建省劳动干部中等专业学校,自此学校成为省劳动保障厅技术学校、省劳动干部学校、省 On November 20, Fujian Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security Technology School (Fujian Provincial Labor Cadre School) ushered in the 20th anniversary of the founding ceremony. Provincial Labor and Social Welfare Department Director Wang Keyi, deputy director Zhong Weiping, Li Hua, deputy director, Deputy Director Jiang Zuoliang and the relevant departments of the ministries and departments, units directly under the unit to be congratulated. Also attended the celebration of the General Assembly, the Provincial Board of Education, Fuzhou City Board of Education, Fuzhou City Labor Bureau, the brotherhood of the leadership, and previous alumni. At the meeting, Director Wang Keyi and Deputy Director Zhong Weiping made enthusiastic speeches, fully affirmed the accomplishments of the technical school over the past 20 years and put forward ardent hopes for future work. Provincial Department of Technical School was founded in 1979, formal enrollment in 1982, in 1995 by the provincial government awarded the provincial key technical schools in 1996 by the State Department of Labor and Social Security as the first national comprehensive vocational training base, the same year by the Provincial Department of Education approved , The Fujian Provincial Labor Cadre middle school, since the school became the provincial labor and Social Security technical school, provincial labor cadre school, province
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