Transcription of anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 in spermatogenic cells of vasoligated and vasovasostomize

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baijiankai
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Aim: To detect the changes in Bcl-2 gene expression in theapopototic process of spermatogenic cells in rat vasoligated andvasovasostomized, and to find out the relationship between the tran-scription of Bcl-2 gene and apoptosis of spermatognic cells. Meth-ods : Sixty adult male SD rats were divided at random into vaso-ligated, vasovasostomized and sham-operated groups. Hybridizationin situ with hypersensitive Bcl-2 RNA probe was used to detect thechanges in Bcl-2 mRNA. Results; The transcription of Bcl-2gene in spermatogenic cells was significantly inhibited in the vasoli-gated group as compared with the controls ( P < 0.05), while thetranscription in the vasvasostomized group was not significantly dif-ferent from that of the controls. Conclusion; Bcl-2 gene has ananti-apoptotic effect in vasovasostomized rats; there was a tran-scriptional regulation of Bcl-2 gene in rat spermatogenic cells in theprocess of vasoligation and vasovasostomy. (Reprod Contracep2001; 21: 153-6) Aim: To detect the changes in Bcl-2 gene expression in the apopototic process of spermatogenic cells in rat vasoligated and vasovasostomized, and to find out the relationship between the tran-scription of Bcl-2 gene and apoptosis of spermatognic cells. Meth-ods: Sixty Adult male SD rats were divided at random into vaso-ligated, vasovasostomized and sham-operated groups. Hybridization in situ with hypersensitive Bcl-2 RNA probe was used to detect the changes in Bcl-2 mRNA. Results; The transcription of Bcl-2gene in spermatogenic cells was significantly inhibited in the vasoli-gated group as compared with the controls (P <0.05), while the transcript in the vasvasostomized group was not significantly dif-ferent from that of the controls. Conclusion; Bcl-2 gene has an anti-apoptotic effect in vasovasostomized rats; there was a tran-scriptional regulation of Bcl-2 gene in rat spermatogenic cells in the process of vasoligation and vasovasostomy. (Reprod Contracep 2001; 21: 153-6)
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