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运用斜长石-角闪石温压计对华北地块北缘内蒙古隆起及燕山褶断带内不同时期花岗质侵入岩的结晶压力及侵位深度进行了估算。结果表明,晚古生代—早中生代期间,在内蒙古隆起及燕山褶断带之间,存在有强烈的差异性隆升及剥露过程,但这种差异性隆升及剥露在早侏罗世以来的表现则不明显。晚古生代—早中生代差异性隆升及剥露可能是导致内蒙古隆起上大量基底岩石出露、中—新元古代及古生代沉积盖层缺失及燕山褶断带中—新元古代及古生代沉积盖层大量保留的主要原因。内蒙古隆起强烈的隆升及剥露过程发生在晚石炭世—早侏罗世期间,其东部的剥露幅度比中东部明显偏小。晚古生代-早中生代期间内蒙古隆起的强烈剥露及其与燕山褶断带之间的差异性隆升可能与古亚洲洋板块向华北地块的俯冲、消减、碰撞及华北北缘区域性断裂(如平泉-古北口-赤城-尚义断裂、赤峰-围场-多伦断裂)的活动有关。燕山褶断带的强烈隆升与剥露发生则在晚侏罗世—早白垩世之后。晚体罗世—早白垩世以来,华北地块北缘南北两侧均有一次明显的剥露过程,这一剥露可能与本区及中国东部地壳强烈伸展有关。 The compressional pressure and emplacement depth of granitic intrusive rocks in Inner Mongolia uplift and Yanshan fold belt in the northern margin of North China block were estimated by using plagioclase-amphibolite thermometer. The results show that during the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic, there was a strong difference in uplift and exhumation processes between the uplifts in Inner Mongolia and the Yanshan fold belt, but this difference in uplift and exhumation occurred during the Early Jurassic The performance is not obvious. The Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic differential uplift and exhumation may result in the exhumation of a large amount of basement rocks in the Inner Mongolia uplift, the absence of the Meso-Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary cover, and the Meso-Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary cover of the Yanshan fold belt The main reason for a large number of reservations. During the Late Carboniferous-Early Jurassic, the intense uplift and exhumation processes in the uplift of Inner Mongolia occurred in the eastern part of the area. Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic strong exhumation of the Inner Mongolia uplift and its differential uplift with the Yanshan fold belt may be related to the subduction, depletion and collision of the Paleo-Asian plate to the North China block and the regional faults in the northern part of North China Such as Pingquan - Gubeikou - Akagi - Shangyi fault, Chifeng - paddock - Duolun fault) activities related. The strong uplift and exhumation occurred in the Yanshan fold belt occurred from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Since the late Pleistocene to the Early Cretaceous, there was a clear exhumation process on both north and south sides of the northern margin of the North China block. This exhumation may be related to the strong extension of the crust in the area and the eastern part of China.
针、灸、熨、捶是中兽医治疗家畜风寒湿痹证的几种传统的外治法,1984年以来,笔者通过该4种方法同时施用共治疗患畜122例,疗效显著,故揣露拙见,以求共同探讨。 1 治疗方法 1.1
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